Apostle spoon is a type of spoon that has, as the finial, a cast figure in-the-round, depicting one of
the Twelve Apostles with his attribute.
The bowls of the Apostle Spoons were hammered at the stem forged on the bowl; the figures of the Apostles
were cast, being afterwards soldered on to the stem. The mark was punched inside the bowl.
The earliest examples dated from the 16th century. These spoons. surmonted by the figures of favourite
saints were given as christening gift, in other cases only isolated examples were presented.
The gift of the Apostle spoon was chiefly in the Pre-Reformation times when belief in the services of the
patron saint was strong and the favourite or family saint was often supplemented by the addition of other
Complete sets od thirteen different spoons having the same maker and date are very rare.
Apostle spoon have been reproduced in great numbers, including some made of pewter or latten, as well as
inexpensive reproduction which often show the figure without a nimbus or an attribute.
Any of the Apostle spoons can be known by the attribute mentioned in the following list:
1 the Master: cross and orb
2 St. Peter: a sword or a key
3 St. Andrew: a cross
4 St. St. James the Greter: a pilgrim's staff
5 St. John: the cup od sorrow
6 St. Phillip; a staff
7 St. Bartholomew: a knife
8 St. Thomas: a spar
9 St. Matthew: an axe or halbert
10 St. James the Less: a fuller's bat
11 St. Jude: a square
12 St. Simon Zelotes: a long saw
13 St. Judas: a bag of money

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