The history of trade cards begins with the problem American manufacturers had in the 1870's.
They were beginning to produce and distribute consumer goods on a national wide scale - but there was no advertising medium of
truly national circulation.
Their need, together with the perfecting of inexpensive methods of color lithography, gave birth to a fascinating phenomenon, at
once folk art and effective business device; the trade card.
Inserted in packages at the factory, handed out by retailers with every sale, or mailed to prospective consumers, these
small cards touted the virtues of almost every imaginable product.
The complete sales pitch was usually printed in the back, but an attractive colored picture on the other side of the card was
invariably the attention-getter-one that soon proved its tremendous appeal.
Thousands of Americans avidly saved these cards, later to exchange them with friends, paste their albums or just keep them in a
drawer in the parlor, where members of the family could beguile a long winter evening by poring over the collection.
A sampling of the trade cards of the Golden Age offers a unique view of how Americans lived then. what they believed in, what
they desired, what they were proud of, and what their hidden assumptions were.

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