The Russian standard for silver was based on ' zolotnik '. The name
comes from 'zoloto' meaning gold. The unit originated as the weight of a
gold coin of the same name which circulated as late as 11th century in
Kievan Rus. Originally, a zolotnik represented a 1/96 of a pound, later
1/72 of a pound. In the metric system, one zolotnik equals 4,266 grams,
96 zolotniks equal one Russian pound.
Converting the Russian marks to sterling values, we obtain the following
comparisons in silver purity degree:
84 zol. = 875/1000
88 zol. = 916,6/1000
91 zol. = 947,9/1000
Most of silversmith's touch marks are in cyrillic alphabet.
Here is the Russian cyrillic alphabet and the table of comparison with
latin alphabet.
Russian cyrillic alphabet
Russian silversmiths used a touch mark with the initial letters of first and last name in Cyrillic. Seldom full name or latin letters were used.
this is an
abstract from a wider study of Giorgio Busetto on Russian silver
hallmarking (silversmiths, assayers, town marks), available on the web
clicking here
Giorgio Busetto - © 2004 -
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