This is a page of A Small Collection of Antique Silver and Objects of vertu, a 1000 pages richly illustrated website offering all you need to know about antique silver, sterling silver, silverplate, sheffield plate, electroplate silver, silverware, flatware, tea services and tea complements, marks and hallmarks, silver marking system and silver hallmarks guide, articles, books, auction catalogs, famous silversmiths (Tiffany, Gorham, Jensen, Elkington, WMF, Reed & Barton, Mappin & Webb, Bateman Family), history, oddities ...
The law 5 February 1934 n. 305 introduced uniformity in the shape of Italian silversmith's marks.
The new mark identifying the silversmith consisted of a lozenge containing:
number: corresponding to the number identifying the silversmith
'fascio': fascist party symbol
two letters: initials of the Province
The lozenge was coupled to an oval containing the purity degree 800 or 925 per thousand.
The Law 26 October 1944 n. 313 (Decreto Legislativo Luogotenenziale 26 Ottobre 1944 n. 313) ordered the
elimination of the 'fascio' (symbol of 'fascism') maintaining into the lozenge only the number
(identification of the silversmith) and the two letters (initials of the Province).
The Laws 30 January 1968 (Legge 30 gennaio 1968 n. 46) and 30 December 1970 n. 1496 (D.P.R. 30
Dicembre 1970 n. 1496) introduced new hallmarks for silver and precious metals. The mark was modified to a polygonal shape
and a star was added on the left. Numbers and Province letter were maintained.
Purity degree 925, 835 and 800 per thousand were allowed and inscribed into an oval outlined mark.
This system is still in use in present days.
201 | MI | TRAMEZZANI GIOSUE' fu Ernesto | Via Puccini 1. | MILANO | c. 1935 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
202 | MI | BERNACCHI PIETRO Eredi | Via Torino 44. | MILANO | c. 1935 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
203 | MI | CRESPI ENRICO .fu Luigi | Via Amedei 9. | MILANO | c. 1935 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
204 | MI | PIFFARERIO MARIO di Luigi
Via G. Rovetta 38. | MILANO | c. 1935 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
205 | MI | VEZZELLI GIUSEPPE di Leopoldo | Via della Signora 11 | MILANO | c. 1935 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
206 | MI | ROBBIANI CARLO | Piazza Ferravilla, 3 | MILANO | 31/10/1935 | active at 31/12/1971 |
207 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1935 | before 1949 |
208 | MI | GRASSI LUIGI fu Agostino
Via Orefici 2 | MILANO | c. 1935 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
209 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1935 | before 1949 |
210 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1935 | before 1949 |
211 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1935 | before 1949 |
212 | MI | LA NAZIONALE Fabbrico Catene d'Oro e Affini di TREZZI OSVALDO | Corso Manusardi, 6 | MILANO | 23/12/1935 | active at 31/12/1971 |
213 | MI | S. A. ARGENTERIE LORETO | Viale Abruzzi 94. | MILANO | prima del 15/12/1949 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
214 | MI | SONGA ANTONIO di SACCHI LUIGIA & SONGA GIOVANNI MARIA | Via P. da Cannobio, 11 | MILANO | 27/01/1936 | active at 31/12/1971 |
215 | MI | PERUCCHINI ENRICO fu Angelo | Via Zecca Vecchia 3 | MILANO | prima del 15/12/1949 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
216 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
217 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
218 | MI | CARABELLI ALFONSO fu Antonio | Piazza Vitt. Emanuele II 2 | MILANO | c. 1936 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
219 | MI | BORSANI LUIGI fu Carlo | Via Torrioni 5. | MILANO | c. 1936 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
220 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
221 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
222 | MI | DEHO ANTONIO | Via Broletto, 41 | MILANO | 20/05/1936 | active at 31/12/1971 |
223 | MI | F.LLI LORIOLI - Milano | Via Bronzetti,25 | MILANO | c. 1936 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
224 | MI | DE VECCHI PIETRO e CATTANEO PRIMO | Via Disciplini 7. | MILANO | c. 1936 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
225 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
226 | MI | SENESI EMILIO di Oreste | Via Bassini 53. | MILANO | c. 1936 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
227 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
228 | MI | Laboratorio Arto Sacra POLITI di POLITI LUIGI | Via Snat'Eufemia,4 | MILANO | 03/08/1936 | active at 31/12/1971 |
229 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
230 | MI | SOC. ITAL. PIOMBO E ZINCO | Via Albania 18. | MILANO | c. 1936 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
231 | MI | FORLONI LUIGI | Via G. Ferrari 10. | MILANO | c. 1936 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
232 | MI | GIANESE GIUNIO fu Michele | Via Lentasio 7 | MILANO | c. 1936 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
233 | MI | VIGANO' LUIGI | . | MILANO | 1937 | c. 1942 |
234 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
235 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1936 | before 1949 |
236 | MI | CREPERIO ENRICO | Via Pattari, 6 | MILANO | 21/06/1937 | active at 31/12/1971 |
237 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1937 | before 1949 |
238 | MI | O.I.S.A. S. A. OROLOGERIA ITALIANA | Via S. Eufemia 8 | MILANO | c. 1937 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
239 | MI | D'AGATA NICOLA di Domenico | P. Crivellone 13 | MILANO | c. 1937 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
Via Bellezza 17 | MILANO | c. 1937 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
241 | MI | BENDONI AMEDEO | Via Spontini 5 | MILANO | c. 1937 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
242 | MI | Ditta QUADRELLI FERRUCCIO di MARIO CITTERIO E GERMANA QUADRELLI | Piazza S.Maria Beltrade, 6 | MILANO | 05/10/1937 | active at 31/12/1971 |
243 | MI | RESCALLI GIOVANNI | Corso Porta Romana 106 | MILANO | c. 1937 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
Via S. Maria Valle, 7 | MILANO | 12/10/1937 | active at 31/12/1971 |
245 | MI | LE ARGENTERIE DI MILANO di FIORENTINI GUIDO | Via Bobbio, 6 | MILANO | 29/10/1937 | active at 31/12/1971 |
246 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1937 | before 1949 |
247 | MI | MARONI AUGUSTO | Via Cesare Cantù, 2 | MILANO | 16/11/1937 | active at 31/12/1971 |
248 | MI | MORANDINI LORENZO di Antonio | Via Borromei 11 | MILANO | c. 1937 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
249 | MI | MASSA MARIO | Piazza S. Maria Beltrade 1 | MILANO | 07/01/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
250 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
251 | MI | BERTONI S.r.l. | Via Volta, 7 | MILANO | 09/02/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
252 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
253 | MI | DE GIOVANNI METALLI PREZIO SI S.a. s. | Via Negri, 10 | MILANO | 24/02/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
254 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
255 | MI | MODENESI RAFFAELE | Corso Genova. 19 | MILANO | 25/02/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
256 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
257 | MI | CANTONI LUIGI | Corso Ticinese 90-94 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
258 | MI | PRIAMO UBALDO | Via N.Foppa 58. | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
259 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
260 | MI | BRAMBILLA GIOVANNI - | Via S. Antonio 11 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
261 | MI | ABELI VIRGINIA | Via Moscova,54 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
262 | MI | WERTHEIMER & C | Via E. Noè 32. | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
263 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
264 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
265 | MI | MENSI ADELMO | Via Hayech 4 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
266 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
267 | MI | CORTI VINICIO | Via Verdi. 5 | MILANO | 31/03/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
268 | MI | BOGGIALI GAETANO | Via Torino 34 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
269 | MI | VALLIN PIETRO | Via Ciovasso, 11 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
270 | MI | FA. BI, S.a.S. di HEINZ KOVEHLER & C. | Via Crocefisso, 4 | MILANO | 04/04/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
271 | MI | RAPETTI COSTANTINA | Via Privata Pasini 3 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
272 | MI | VALSECCHI ANTONIO | Via Carsico 3. | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
273 | MI | PIETRO LANDI di GIULIA E MILENA TRECCHI | Via Comelico, 18 | MILANO | 12/04/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
274 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
275 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
 | Via Ennio 19 (1949) moved to Via C. Balbo 2 (1971) | MILANO | 06/05/1938 | out between 1991 and 2000 |
probably acting as retailer in the "S interwined with hammer" mark

Largo Treves, 2 | MILANO | 07/05/1938 | stll active at 31/12/2010 |
278 | MI | PORRO MARIO | Via dell'Orso, 8 | MILANO | 23/05/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
279 | MI | WEINGERL MARGHERITA | Via Andegari 18 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
280 | MI | GOLDSCHIMIDT FELICE | Via Camperio 10 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
281 | MI | RAVARINI CASTOLDI & C. S. p. A. | MILANO Via Gardone, 20 | MILANO | 17/06/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
282 | MI | BALZARETTI ÈRCOLE | Via Orefici 2 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
283 | MI | MAYER GUSTAVO | Via Donizetti 41 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
284 | MI | O.M. E. A. S.p.A. -Officine Meccaniche & Artistiche | Via F. Albani. 20 | MILANO | 12/07/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
285 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
286 | MI | MAURI ACHILLE | Via Molino delle Armi 39 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
287 | MI | VALLE CLEMENTE | Via D.Cirillo 16 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
288 | MI | FARIOLI LUIGI | Via Bramante, 29 | MILANO | 02/09/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
289 | MI | CIPOLLA ARTURO & C. | Via S. Sofia 25 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
290 | MI | PROSPERINI GIANNI | Via Stresa 9 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
291 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
292 | MI | EUGENIO ALGERINI S. n. e . | Via Brischi. 50 | MILANO | 10/10/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
293 | MI | LAZZERI LINA Ved. BA ERNESTO | Galleria Passarelal, 1 | MILANO | 21/10/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
294 | MI | COLOMBO LUIGI | Via Fillberto 6 | MILANO | 08/12/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
295 | MI | ACQUANI & MARCONI | Via Pontaccio, 6 | MILANO | 14/12/1938 | active at 31/12/1971 |
296 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
297 | MI | FOSSATI CARLO fu Luigi | Piazza Duomo 17 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
298 | MI | POGLIANI RUGGERO | Via Moneta 1 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
299 | MI | ROSS ARTHUR | Via Manunzio, 11 | MILANO | c. 1938 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
300 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
301 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1938 | before 1949 |
302 | MI | DASSI ATTILIO di ALFREDO | Calamatta, 10 | MILANO | 05/04/1939 | active at 31/12/1971 |
303 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1939 | before 1949 |
304 | MI | MARINAI CESARE | Piazza S. M. Beltrade 1 | MILANO | c. 1939 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
305 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1939 | before 1949 |
306 | MI | METALLI PREZIOSI S. p. A. | Vln Romn, 173 | MILANO | 08/07/1939 | active at 31/12/1971 |
307 | MI | CALVI FELICE di Luigi | Via Tibaldi 64 | MILANO | prima del 15/12/1949 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
308 | MI | EUGENIO BROGGI di PERI CARLO | Via Disciplini, 12 | MILANO | 24/07/1939 | active at 31/12/1971 |
309 | MI | SOC. AN. ITALORA | Piazza Castello 11 | MILANO | c. 1939 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
310 | MI | ONGARI RAFFAELE | Via Garibaldi 79 A | MILANO | c. 1939 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
311 | MI | Soc. An. ARGENTERIE D'ITALIA | Via Termopoli 8 | MILANO | c. 1939 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
312 | MI | SCHON AURELIO | Via delleAsole 4. | MILANO | c. 1939 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
313 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1939 | before 1949 |
314 | MI | ZUCCHI DANTE | Via Orti 16. | MILANO | c. 1939 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
315 | MI | ONGARI VITTORINO | Via Garibaldi. 104 | MILANO | c. 1939 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
316 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1939 | before 1949 |
317 | MI | BORGHETTI UGO FABBRICA ARGENTERIA | Viale Bligny, 13 | MILANO | 23/01/1940 | active at 31/12/1971 |
318 | MI | CARTOSSI FERDINANDO | Via Amadei 5 | MILANO | c. 1940 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
319 | MI | SOC. AN. FABBRICA FIAMMIFERI E AFFINI | Via Moscova 18 | MILANO | c. 1940 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
320 | MI | S. A. ARGENTERIA V. M | Via C. Del Fante 13 | MILANO | c. 1940 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
321 | MI | FANOTTOLI ANDREA | Via Rossini 3. | MILANO | c. 1940 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
322 | MI | CIGHETTI LUCIANO | Via Nerino. 3 | MILANO | c. 1940 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
323 | MI | FOSSATI GIUSEPPE | Via Vitt. Emanuele 17 | MILANO | c. 1940 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
324 | MI | TURATI AMBROGIO | Via Tiraboschi 9 | MILANO | c. 1940 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
325 | MI | BAGLINI ENRICO - Milano - | Via Canonica, 42 | MILANO | c. 1940 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
326 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1940 | before 1949 |
327 | MI | F. LLI SILVESTRI - Orafi (Glovanni e PIETRO SILVESTRI) | ViaC. Correnti, 12 | MILANO | 20/09/1941 | active at 31/12/1971 |
328 | MI | UCCELLI ETTORE | Corso Porta Romana, 118 | MILANO | 12/05/1941 | active at 31/12/1971 |
329 | MI | PAOLINI ROBERTO | Piazza S. Ambrogio. 10 | MILANO | c. 1941 | active at 31/12/1971 |
330 | MI | BERTI GIOVANNI | Via Agnello, 1 | MILANO | 07/06/1941 | active at 31/12/1971 |
331 | MI | MARTIGNETTI LORENZO | Via Montcnapoleone, 10 | MILANO | 30/07/1941 | active at 31/12/1971 |
332 | MI | DI NUCCI ERASMO | Via C. Cantù, 1 | MILANO | c. 1941-1945 | active at 31/12/1971 |
333 | MI | SACCO ATTILIO | Via Omenoni, 2 | MILANO | c. 1941-1945 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
334 | MI | FORTUNATO .ALBERTO | Via Frecce Nere 19 | MILANO | c. 1941-1945 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
335 | MI | ROSSI BRUNO | Via Ripamonti, 154 | MILANO | c. 1941-1945 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
336 | MI | AMBROSINI E CAPPELLETT | Via S. Francesco 4 | MILANO | c. 1941-1945 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
337 | MI | OSVALDO FANTON1 & C. S.n.c. | Piazza Duomo, 21 | MILANO | 03/11/1945 | active at 31/12/1971 |
338 | MI | GARELLO FRANCO | Piazza S. M. Beltrade 1. | MILANO | c. 1946-1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
339 | MI | GIAMMONA EDOARDO | Via Torino 17 | MILANO | c. 1946-1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
340 | MI | RIGATTI LUCHINI LUCHINO | Corso Vitt. Emanuele 26 | MILANO | c. 1946-1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
341 | MI | ORLANDI CARLO | Via C. da Sesto 20 | MILANO | c. 1946-1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
342 | MI | INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE | . | . | c. 1946-1947 | before 1949 |
343 | MI | VERGANI MARIO | Corso Roma 46 | MILANO | c. 1946-1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
344 | MI | MONTEGAZZA ROMOLO | Via delle Orsole 4 | MILANO | c. 1946-1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
345 | MI | FARAONE S.r.l. | Via P.Verri, 10 | MILANO | 01/03/1947 | active at 31/12/1971 |
346 | MI | CAPPELLO & CORTESE | Viale Gorizia, 22 | MILANO | 14/05/1947 | active at 31/12/1971 |
347 | MI | CORLETTO S.r.l. | Via Unione, 1 | MILANO | 03/06/1947 | active at 31/12/1971 |
348 | MI | COLOMBO CARLO fu Pietro | Via Arena 5 | MILANO | c. 1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
349 | MI | BONFIGLIO ALESSANDRO di Carlo | Via A. Sforza 73 | MILANO | c. 1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
350 | MI | DE VECCHI GIUSEPPE & C. S.n.c. | Via Carlo Alberto, 26 | MILANO | 03/11/1947 | active at 31/12/1971 |
351 | MI | SISTI ERMANNO | Via Speronari 7 | MILANO | 10/12/1947 | active at 31/12/1971 |
352 | MI | ZEME C. & ARMANINI P. | Via Unione 6 | MILANO | c. 1947 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
353 | MI | LABORATORIO CHIMICO DOCIMASTICO | Via delle Asole, 4 | MILANO | 05/01/1948 | active at 31/12/1971 |
354 | MI | DURANTE &LISCHETTI | Via Pantano 7. | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
355 | MI | PINZI CESARE di Davide | Via Meravigli 10. | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
356 | MI | RAMPONELLI ROBERTO di Luigi | | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
357 | MI | OFFICINE STANDARD S.p. A. | Via Asiago, 3 | MILANO | 26/03/1948 | active at 31/12/1971 |
358 | MI | FABBRICA ITALIANA CATENE S.p.A. | Via Pasinetti, 2 | MILANO | 26/03/1948 | active at 31/12/1971 |
359 | MI | PIETRA LINO | Via S. Orsola, 5 | MILANO | 31/03/1948 | active at 31/12/1971 |
360 | MI | VILLA MARIO S.r.l. | Via Mazzini, 16 | MILANO | 27/04/1948 | active at 31/12/1971 |
361 | MI | JACCHIA EMANUELE & C | Via Canova 30 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
362 | MI | SEGAGNI & GALIMBERTI | Via Pomponazzi 5 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
363 | MI | MASELLA RICCARDO S.r.l. | Via Filargo, 16/8 | MILANO | 25/08/1948 | active at 31/12/1971 |
364 | MI | APOSTOLOPULO MARIO di Aristide | Via della Chiusa 1 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
Via delle Asole 4 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
366 | MI | MANCADORI GIUSEPPE fu Eduardo | Via del Bollo 1 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
367 | MI | CRAVENNA FERRUCCIO fu Giacomo | Via F.lli Gabba 3 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
368 | MI | POZZI MARIO fu Luigi | Via G. B. Vico 2 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
369 | MI | DAZZA CARLO fu Giacomo | Via Stradella 15 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
370 | MI | ARCELLASCHI GIUSEPPE ANTONIO | Via Torino 23 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
371 | MI | PAVESI GIUSEPPE fu Giovanni | Via Orti 19 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
372 | MI | CROCI & ARIGLI | Via Murillo, 48 | MILANO | c. 1948 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
Viale Gorizia, 8 | MILANO | 11/06/1949 | active at 31/12/1971 |
374 | MI | ARIOLI PIERO | Via Priv. Dolfin, 3 | MILANO | 14/07/1949 | active at 31/12/1971 |
375 | MI | MASCHERONI GIOVANNI fu Giuseppe | Corso S. Gottardo 21 | MILANO | c. 1943 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
376 | MI | MAZZUCCATO A. - Fabbrica Argenterie di MAZZUCCATO AGOSTINO
Via Popoli Uniti, 25 | MILANO | 21/07/1949 | active at 31/12/1971 |
377 | MI | NEGRINI AMILCARE fu Agostino | Via Lentasio 7. | MILANO | c. 1949 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
378 | MI | DONINI RENZO di Luigi | Via Olmetto 17 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
379 | MI | SOC. LIBICA PER METALLI PREZIOSI | Via Passaggio Centrale | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
380 | MI | BRAMBILLA GIOVANNI di Giuseppe | Via Torchio 4 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
381 | MI | LOSI CARLO di Angelo | Via S. Vittore 3 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
382 | MI | ZANGIACOMI & FIGLI | Via Mercadante 12 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
383 | MI | DITTA DONA di A. PAGLIANI, BAVASTO & C. | Via Pantano 7 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
384 | MI | BARBETTA FRANCESCO di Giuseppe | Via Piove 4 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
385 | MI | GIOVANOLA GIUSEPPE fu Ambrogio- | Via Espinasse 53 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
386 | MI | SOLDATI GIOVANNI fu Antonio | Via Pioppette 8 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
387 | MI | FIAM Arte Nostra di PAMPURINI BRUNO | Via Caligornia, 6 | MILANO | 14/10/1950 | active at 31/12/1971 |
388 | MI | ABBIATI GIOACCHINO fu Carlo | Via Carlo Farini 40 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
389 | MI | MAGGI ETTORE fu Giuseppe | Via S. Francesco d'Assisi 1 | MILANO | c. 1950 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
390 | MI | BERGOMI & FARAVELLI Soc-, Coll. | Via Spontini, 3 | MILANO | 30/01/1951 | active at 31/12/1971 |
391 | MI | PELLEGRINI ENRICO fu Angelo | Via Lazzaro Papi 3 | MILANO | c. 1951 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
392 | MI | ROVIDA & FARIOLI S. r. l. | Via Sella, 14 | MILANO | 16/05/1951 | active at 31/12/1971 |
393 | MI | MEDA LUIGI fu Giovanni | Via Stampa 14 | MILANO | c. 1951 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
394 | MI | COTOGNO VITTORIO fu Filippo | Via Illirico 3 | MILANO | c. 1951 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
395 | MI | ACQUATI CARLOTTA fu Luigi | Via Spoderi 9 | MILANO | c. 1951 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
396 | MI | CASTAGNA Mario | Via Gaio 10 | MILANO | c. 1951 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
397 | MI | RESTELLI ANGELO | Via Falcone, 2 | MILANO | 25/06/1951 | active at 31/12/1971 |
398 | MI | SIRONI VITTORIO di Zaccaria | Via Bordelli 11 | MILANO | c. 1951 | out between 1955 and 1970 |
399 | MI | F.A.O. - Fabbrica Artigiana Orafa di LAZZARONI GIANCARLO | Vìa Ennio, 19/1 | MILANO | 27/06/1951 | active at 31/12/1971 |
400 | MI | RIELLO ANTONIO | Via Lupetta, 1 | MILANO | 05/06/1951 | active at 31/12/1971 | |
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