(click on the photo to enlarge image)
Faber, Georg Active: 1835-40 | . | . |
Faber, Vincenz Active: 1851-52, 1855-58 | . | . |
Fabinger, Johann Active: 1905-06 | . | . |
Fabricius, Julietta Active: 1860-67 | . | . |
Fabricius, Ludwig Active: 1844-63 | . | . |
Fabricius, Michael (B) Active: 1814-49 | . | . |
Fabricius, Otto (Karl) Active: 1872-76 | . | . |
Fabricius, von, Balthasar L. Active: 1850-59 | . | . |
Fabro, de, Lorenz Active: 1812-17 | . | . |
Fabry, August Active: 1893-1924f | . | . |
Fabry, Karl Josef Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Fachschule , Gablonz | . | . |
Fack, Elisabeth Active: 1880-83 | . | . |
Färber, Heinrich Active: 1897-1924f | . | . |
Fahnrich, Eng. Active: um 1853 | . | . |
Falikmann, Heinrich Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Falk, Leopold Active: 1893-1905 | . | . |
Falta, Anton Active: 1863-94 | . | . |
Fanto, Siegmund Active: 1918-24 | . | . |
Fargel, Antonia Active: 1844-45 | . | . |
Fargel, Edmund sen. Active: 1890-1922 | . | . |
Fargel, Johann Georg Ludwig Active: 1826-43 | . | . |
Fargel, Wilhelm Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Farkas, Johann Active: 1803-13 | . | . |
Farkas, Lorenz Active: 1863-69 | . | . |
Faul, Mathias Active: 1916-25 | . | . |
Faulhaber, Heinrich Active: 1906-24f | . | . |
Faulhaber, Karl Active: 1902-48f | . | . |
Fautz, Anna Active: 1811-12 | . | . |
Fautz, Franz Xaver Anton Active: 1807-11 | . | . |
Fautz, Georg Active: 1833-58 | . | . |
Fautz, Johann Adam Active: 1746-88 | . | . |
Fautz, Johann Ignatz Active: 1813-27 | . | . |
Fautz , Joseph (d.J.) Active: 1807-23 | . | . |
Fautz, Joseph Ignaz Active: 1774-1812 | . | . |
Feder, August Active: 1890-97 | . | . |
Fedrid, Siegfried Active: 1901-16 | . | . |
Fehrer, Josef Active: 1861-1907 | . | . |
Fehrer, Josefa Active: 1907-14 | . | . |
Fehringer, Anton Active: 1860-66 | . | . |
Fehringer, Julius Active: 1907-08 (-?) | . | . |
Feigl, Alexander Active: 1873-98 | . | . |
Feigl, Alexander Active: 1903-21 | . | . |
Feiglstock, Heinrich | . | . |
Feil, Emanuel Active: 1863-74, 1876-87 | . | . |
Feil, Moritz Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Feingold, Baruch Active: 1881-1902 | . | . |
Feldmann, Karl Active: 1903-24f | . | . |
Feldsberg, Jakob Leopold Active: 1886-1922 (1923?) | . | . |
Fellinger, Josef Active: um 1874 | . | . |
Fellinger, Pauline Active: 1875-79 | . | . |
Fellmoser, August Active: 1839-44 | . | . |
Fellner, Johann Active: 1907-24f | . | . |
Felmaier, Ida Active: 1899-1900 | . | . |
Felmaier, Jakob Active: 1883-97 | . | . |
Felzmann, Adolf Active: 1886-1924f | . | . |
Fenchel, Jakob Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Fendrich, Karl Active: 1848-67 | . | . |
Fendt, Alois Active: 1873-75 | . | . |
Feraut, Alexander Active: 1822- vor 37 | . | . |
Ferber, Dorothea Active: 1906-07 | . | . |
Ferber, Israel Jakob Active: 1870-1904 | . | . |
Ferber, Moriz Active: 1874-5.1909 | . | . |
Ferdinandy , Joseph Active: 1829-50 | . | . |
Ferdynandzky, Andreas Active: 1907-24f | . | . |
Fernkorn, Christoph Active: 1844-56 | . | . |
Fernkorn, Maria Active: 1857-58 | . | . |
Ferres, Nikolaus Active: 1810- vor 37 | . | . |
Ferschl, Josef Active: 1887-1917 | . | . |
Feuchtner, Ferdinand Active: 1915-24f | . | . |
Feuchtner, Franz Active: 1880-1915 | . | . |
Feuerstein, Jakob Active: 1920-21 | . | . |
Feyerabend, Johann Joseph Active: 1780-1825 | . | . |
Fiala, Karl Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Fick, Maximilian Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Ficker, Johann Active: 1839-62 | . | . |
Ficker, Julius Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Ficker, Karl Franz Active: 1863-96 | . | . |
Fiebinger, Franz Active: 1800-06 | . | . |
Fiedler, Ignaz Active: 1912 | . | . |
Fiedler, Josef Active: um 1900 | . | . |
Figdor, Julius Active: 1899-1924f | . | . |
Figdor, Karl Active: 1878-99 | . | . |
Figdor, Nathan Active: 1877-1908 | . | . |
Figdor, Brüder | . | . |
Filep, Josef Active: 1871-1912 | . | . |
Filipberg, Wilhelm Active: 1899-1902 | . | . |
Filipek, Eugen Active: 1913-16 | . | . |
Filipek, Fritz Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Filipek, Theodor Active: 1883-1924f | . | . |
Filipek, Vincenz Active: 1879-96 | . | . |
Filipsberg, Ignaz Active: 1900-09 | . | . |
Fillier, Friedrich Active: vor 1818-um 1822 | . | . |
Fillinger, Wilhelm Active: 1874-76, 78-80 | . | . |
Finda, Franz Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Fink, Eduard Josef Alois Active: 1867-88 | . | . |
Finkel, Ber Active: 1914-11.1.63 | . | . |
Finsterlein, Johann Active: 1836-38, 39-50 | . | . |
Fisch, Isidor Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Fischbach, Richard Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Fischbein, Salomon Active: 1914-24f | . | . |
Fischböck, Josef Active: 1883-1901 | . | . |
Fischel, Siegfried Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Fischer, Adolf Active: 1857-91 | . | . |
Fischer, Aloisia Active: 1891-94 | . | . |
Fischer, Andreas Active: um 1898 | . | . |
Fischer, Carl Josef Active: 1862-65 | . | . |
Fischer, Chaim Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Fischer, Emanuel Active: 1864-74 | . | . |
Fischer, Emil Active: 1890-1909 | . | . |
Fischer, Erhard Active: 1919-26 | . | . |
Fischer, Franz Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Fischer, Franz Active: 1861-1907 | . | . |
Fischer, Franz Active: 1849-99 | . | . |
Fischer, Franz Karl Active: 1870-72 | . | . |
Fischer, Franz Samuel Active: 1851-77, 88-90, 95-96 | . | . |
Fischer, Heinrich Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Fischer, J. A. Active: 1885?-87 | . | . |
Fischer, Johann Active: 1910-16 | . | . |
Fischer, Johann Active: 1875-76, 84-1911 | . | . |
Fischer, Johann Andreas Active: 1789-1811 | . | . |
Fischer, Johann Georg Active: 1893-95 | . | . |
Fischer, Johanna Active: 1812-13 | . | . |
Fischer, Josef Active: 1869-83 | . | . |
Fischer, Julius Active: 1890-1921 | . | . |
Fischer, Maria Active: 1876-90 | . | . |
Fischer, Moriz Active: 1871-76 | . | . |
Fischer, Moriz Active: 1895-98 | . | . |
Fischer, Rudolf Active: 1894-4.1909 | . | . |
Fischer, Rudolf Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Fischer, Samuel Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Fischer & Weiss Active: 1919-20 | . | . |
Fischhof, Ludwig Active: 1865-66 | . | . |
Fischl, Adolf Active: 1881-95 | . | . |
Fischmeister, Franz Carl Active: um 1889 | . | . |
Fischmeister, Franz Ignaz Active: 1900-14 | . | . |
Fischmeister, Franz Ignaz Active: 1915-24f | . | . |
Fitzka, Maria Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Fitzka, Sigismund Active: 1887-1918 | . | . |
Fitzka, Sigismund Active: 1918-20 (-24f)-22.8.63? | . | . |
Fitzka, Sigismund Karl Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Flach, Eleonore Active: 1873-77 | . | . |
Flach, Gustav Active: 1893-99 | . | . |
Flach, Ludwig Active: 1862 | . | . |
Flach, Vincenz Active: 1841-73 | . | . |
Flaumenhaft, Gustav Active: 1899-1914 | . | . |
Fleckles, Carl Active: 1856-60 | . | . |
Fleckles, Max Active: 1844-58 | . | . |
Fleischer, Franz Josef Active: 1878-1924f | . | . |
Fleischer, Franziska Active: 1866-78 | . | . |
Fleischer, Ignaz Active: 1921-22- 23? | . | . |
Fleischer, Johann Active: 1833-45 | . | . |
Fleischer, Joseph Active: 1853-66 | . | . |
Fleischer, Julius Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Fleischhackel, Joseph Active: 1781-91 | . | . |
Fleischhackel, Joseph Active: um 1781- vor 95 | . | . |
Fleischhacker, Anton Active: 1878-96 | . | . |
Fleischhacker, Franz Active: 1865-96 | . | . |
Fleischhacker, Karl Active: 1891-1924f | . | . |
Fleischhacker, Theresia Active: 1898-1900 | . | . |
Fleischhaker, Aloisia Active: 1891-1917 | . | . |
Fleischhaker, Anton Active: 1881-90 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Eduard Active: 1868-81 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Franz Active: 1810-33 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Heinrich | . | . |
Fleischmann, Isidor Siegmund Active: 1888-1919 od.1920? | . | . |
Fleischmann, Julius Active: 1921-22 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Leopold Active: 1873-90 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Margit Active: 1921-22 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Moritz Active: 1901-11, 17-18 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Otto Active: 1896-1903 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Siegmund Active: 1906-24f | . | . |
Fleischmann, Sigmund Active: 1875-78 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Sigmund Active: 1872-75 | . | . |
Fleischmann, Sigmund Active: 1893-97 | . | . |
Flesch, Josef Active: 1890-94 | . | . |
Flöckinger, Karl Active: 1860-83 | . | . |
Flor, Johann Active: 1920-24 | . | . |
Fodor, Josef Active: 1908-24f | . | . |
Folkmann, Albert Active: 1891-92 | . | . |
Folusiewicz, Gregor Active: 1838-39 | . | . |
Forgatsch, Georg Active: 1807-32 | . | . |
Forst, Isidor Active: 1903-24f | . | . |
Fortner, Ferdinand Active: 1879-81 | . | . |
Fortner, Ludwig Johann Nepomuk Heinrichh Active: 1856-62 | . | . |
Fou, Itzko Active: 1912-14 | . | . |
Fournier, Abraham Active: 1798-1812 | . | . |
Fournier, Theresia Active: 1813-22 | . | . |
Fränkel, Abraham Active: 1893-96 | . | . |
Fränkel, Abraham Active: 1900-09 | . | . |
Fränzel, Elisabeth Active: 1839-42 | . | . |
Fränzel, Johann Heinrich Active: 1824-38 | . | . |
Fränzel, Stephan Active: 1837-82 | . | . |
Fränzel, Wilhelm Active: 1867-81 | . | . |
Fränzl, Adolf Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Fränzl, Stephan Active: 1880/ 81-92 | . | . |
Fränzl, Theresia Active: 1893- 1.1909 | . | . |
Francois, Peter Active: 1813- nach 15- vor 37 | . | . |
Frank, Eduard Active: 1910-12 | . | . |
Frank, Ignaz Active: 1890-1924f | . | . |
Frank, Johann Active: 1862-72 | . | . |
Frank, Julius Active: 1917-19 | . | . |
Frank, Karl Active: 1908-26 WW, 1918-38f | . | . |
Frank, Leopold Active: 1920-24 | . | . |
Frank, Lorenz Active: 1816-46 | . | . |
Frank Rudolf | |

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Frank, Rudolf Active: 1881-82 | . | . |
Frank, Wilhelm Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Frank & Nikoladoni Active: 1920-22 | . | . |
Franke, Josef Active: 1888-91 | . | . |
Frankfurter, Julius Active: bis 1908 | . | . |
Frankfurter, Robert Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Franz, Anna Active: 1802-07 | . | . |
Franz, David Active: 1785-1803 | . | . |
Franz, Johann Active: 1882-89 | . | . |
Franz, Josefa Active: 1869-77 | . | . |
Freisinger, Karl Active: um 1898 | . | . |
Freissinger, Michael Active: 1785-1807 | . | . |
Frenzel, Christian Active: 1851-59 | . | . |
Frenzel, Friedrich Active: 1837-? | . | . |
Freudenberg, Emanuel Active: 1879-1.1909 | . | . |
Frey, Franz Active: vor 1819- vor 37 | . | . |
Frey, Franz Active: 1884-85 | . | . |
Frey, Franz Active: 1865-66 | . | . |
Freydenschuß, Joseph Active: 1787-88 | . | . |
Freydenschuß, Maria Anna Active: 1788 (?)-1801 | . | . |
Friderici, Josef Active: 1899-1921 | . | . |
Fried, Ludwig Active: 1904-07 | . | . |
Friederizi, Carl Active: 1850-87 | . | . |
Friederizi, Johann (Adam) Active: 1887-1924f | . | . |
Friedl, Ernst Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Friedl, Johann (Franz) Active: 1888-1918 | . | . |
Friedl, Josef Active: 1880-1900 | . | . |
Friedl, Josef Georg Active: 1860-65 | . | . |
Friedl, Leopold Active: 1819-42 | . | . |
Friedmann, David Active: 1902-24f | . | . |
Friedmann, David Active: 1874-89 | . | . |
Friedmann Eduard | Active: 1881-1919 |
 |
Friedmann , Franz Active: 1892-1912 | . | . |
Friedmann, Pinkas Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Friedrich, Anton Active: 1874-76 | . | . |
Friedrich, Wilhelm Active: 1902-24f | . | . |
Frisch, Carl Active: 1902-24f | . | . |
Frischauf, Josef Eduard Active: 1877-80 | . | . |
Friseck, Franz Active: 1812-46 | . | . |
Fritsch, Alois Active: 1836-64 | . | . |
Fritsch, Franz Active: 1841-50 | . | . |
Fritsch, Franz Active: um 1880 | . | . |
Fritsch, Zacharias Active: 1808-35 | . | . |
Fritschner, Engelbert Active: 1848-91 | . | . |
Fritzl, Franz Active: 1855-1905 | . | . |
Fritzl, Ludwig Georg Active: 1851-95 | . | . |
Fröhlich, Max Active: 1884-86 | . | . |
Frohriep, Johann Active: 1845-54 | . | . |
Fromm, Philipp Active: 1868-74 | . | . |
Fromm, Philipp Active: 1875-84 | . | . |
Frühschütz, Karl Active: 1910-12 | . | . |
Fuchs, Anton Active: 1783- vor 1801 | . | . |
Fuchs, Anton Active: 1874-78 | . | . |
Fuchs, Ferdinand Active: 1865-72 | . | . |
Fuchs Franz vor 1788-1805 | . | . |
Fuchs, Hermann Active: 1882-85 | . | . |
Fuchs, Jakob Active: 1882-95 | . | . |
Fuchs, Josef Active: 1880-81 | . | . |
Fuchs, Josef Active: 1887-88(!) | . | . |
Fuchs, Leopold Active: 1893-97 | . | . |
Fuchs, Theresia Active: 1806-08 | . | . |
Fülöp, Martin Active: 1918-22(23?) | . | . |
Fülop, Ludwig Active: 1912-24f | . | . |
Fürgantner, Andreas Active: 1870-97 | . | . |
Fürgantner, Josefine Active: 1900 | . | . |
Fürnberg, Jakob Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Fürst, Anton Active: 1880-1910 | . | . |
Fürst, Friedrich Active: 1894-1924f | . | . |
Fürst, Josef Active: 1868-74, 79-87 | . | . |
Fürst, Wilhelm Active: 1902-06 | . | . |
Fürth, Karl Active: 1846-91 | . | . |
Füßl, Georg Active: 1855-98 | . | . |
Füßl, Georg & Sohn Active: 1896-1921 | . | . |
Füßl, Rudolf Active: 1896-1919 | . | . |
Fugsa, Johann Active: um 1846 | . | . |
Fuhrig, Carl Active: 1846-50 | . | . |
Fuhrmann, Friedrich Active: 1909-18 | . | . |
Funda, Karl Active: 1908-24f | . | . |
Funk, Elisabeth Active: 1854-56 | . | . |
Funk, Joseph Active: 1838-50 | . | . |
Funk, Karl Active: 1844-50 | . | . |
Furcht, Alexander Active: um 1908 | . | . |
Futterweit, Samuel Active: 1909-13 | . | . |
Futterweit, Brüder Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Fux, Joseph Active: 1813-28 | . | . |
Fux, Leopold Active: 1795-1820 | . | . |
Fuxa, Franz Active: 1884-1905 | . | . |
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