(click on the photo to enlarge image)
Saboi, Johann Active: 1864-77 | . | . |
Sacher, Franz Active: um 1860 | . | . |
Sacher, Franz August Active: 1837-55 | . | . |
Sacher, Theresia Active: 1856-59 | . | . |
Sachs, Heinrich Active: um 1894 | . | . |
Sachs, Siegmund Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Sadler, Karl Active: 1921-60 | . | . |
Saget, Anton Active: 1819-37 | . | . |
Sailer, Josef Active: 1873-79 | . | . |
Salinger, Alois Active: 1872-75 | . | . |
Salinger, Anton Active: 1863-93 | . | . |
Salitter, Richard Active: 1918-24f | . | . |
Salomonowitz, Otto Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Salzberger, Ludwig Active: 1893-97 | . | . |
Salzer, Gustav Active: um 1900 | . | . |
Sambeth, Robert Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Samek, Ludwig Active: 1878-1904 | . | . |
Samper, Johann Active: 1883-1924f | . | . |
Samstag, Ludwig Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Sander, Christian Active: 1843-81, 84-91, 94-1900 | . | . |
Sander, Christian Active: 1819-49 | . | . |
Sander Eduard Active: 1846-62 | . | . |
Sander Eduard | |
Sander, Martin Active: 1816-21 | . | . |
Sander, Theresia Active: 1822-28 | . | . |
Sandmayr, Anna Active: vor 1801-04 | . | . |
Sandmayr, Ferdinand Active: 1790-99 | . | . |
Sanger, Jakob Active: 1918-24f | . | . |
Sappé, Wenzel Active: 1883-93 | . | . |
Sassower, Benjamin Leib Active: 1919-22 | . | . |
Satory, Joseph Active: 1816-46 | . | . |
Sattler, Johann Paul Active: 1868-1904 | . | . |
Saury, Matern Active: 1870-99 | . | . |
Sax, Bernhard Active: 1885-1924f | . | . |
Schachinger, Heinrich Active: 1912-24f | . | . |
Schachinger, Heinrich Active: 1860-1907 | . | . |
Schacht, Eduard Active: 1844-67 | . | . |
Schacht, Eduard Active: 1884-86 | . | . |
Schäffer, Adalbert Active: 1903-24f | . | . |
Schäffer, Johann Active: 1847-79 | . | . |
Schäffer, Johann Active: 1879-1913 | . | . |
Schätzler, Johann Albrecht Active: 1816-34 | . | . |
Schall, Anton Active: um 1889 - 1913 | . | . |
Schanzer, V. | . | . |
Schapier, Leopold Active: 1846-64 | . | . |
Schardmihlner, Josef Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Scharf, Bernhard Active: 1873-77 | . | . |
Scharf, Sigmund Active: 1866-77 | . | . |
Scharf, Sigmund Active: 1878-83, 86-89 | . | . |
Scharf, Theresia Active: 1878-85, 91-1901 | . | . |
Scharge, Moritz Active: 1898-1900 | . | . |
Scharneck, Julius Active: 1883-86 | . | . |
Schartelmüller, Johann Active: 1867-79 | . | . |
Schartelmüller, Maria Active: 1880-83 | . | . |
Schaschek, Johann Active: 1775-1812 | . | . |
Schaschek, Johann Active: 1901-12.08 | . | . |
Schattenböck, Vinzenz Active: 1794-1818 | . | . |
Schattenböck, Vinzenz Active: um 1826 | . | . |
Schauer, Josef Active: 1883-84 | . | . |
Schauer, Josef Active: 1909-20 | . | . |
Schauer, Karl Active: 1912-20 | . | . |
Schebek, Anton Active: 1898-1915 | . | . |
Schechtmann, Siegmund Active: 1909-24f | . | . |
Scheck, Josef Active: 1910-21 | . | . |
Schediwy, Franz Active: 1901-22 | . | . |
Scheffler, Franz Johann Active: 1769- nach 81- vor 92 | . | . |
Scheibek, Caroline Active: 1892-95 | . | . |
Scheibek, Filipp Active: 1883-91 | . | . |
Scheid, Georg Active: 1897-1912 | . | . |
Scheid Georg Adam | Active: 1858-1913 Scheid completed a commercial apprenticeship until 1853 and subsequently worked in Pforzheim and Stuttgart. In 1858 he went to Vienna and worked there in the workshop of his future father-in-law, the silverware producer and jeweler Michael Markowitsch. Together they founded the OHG Markowitsch & Scheid in 1862. 20 years later, he left the thriving company and founded in 1882 under his name a jewelry factory and 1884 also the Georg Adam Scheid'sche Affinerie, from which later the Ögussa emerged. In 1911 he retired. His jewelery works bear the marks "G.A.S. " or "S.G.A. " and often the German hallmark "Crescent and Crown" |
Scheid, Ludwig Active: 1912-24f | . | . |
Scheid, Robert Active: 1897-1924f | . | . |
Scheid, Theodor Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Scheidl, Filipp Active: 1850-1901 | . | . |
Scheidl Thomas | Vienna 1843-1879 |
Scheiger, Carl Active: 1819-52 | . | . |
Scheiger, Carl Active: 1802-19 | . | . |
Scheiger, Joseph Active: 1790-1819 | . | . |
Scheinast, Emerich Active: 1840-53, 67-81 | . | . |
Scheiringer, Johann Active: 1851-73 | . | . |
Scheiringer, Karl Active: 1910-22 | . | . |
Schejbal, August Active: 1889-97 | . | . |
Schejbal, Augustin Active: 1900-02 | . | . |
Schellenberger, Joseph Michael Active: 1780- nach 92- vor 1801 | . | . |
Scheller, Josef Active: 1892-1906 | . | . |
Schemitz, Johann Active: 1823-46 | . | . |
Schenk, Alexander Active: 1852-55, 59-74 | . | . |
Schenk, Carl Franz Active: 1859-1900 | . | . |
Schenk, Ignaz Active: 1868-69 | . | . |
Schenk, Johann Active: 1819-59 | . | . |
Schenk, Wilhelm Active: 1862-65 | . | . |
Schenker, Karl Active: 1887-92 | . | . |
Schepejtin, Charlotte Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Schepeten, Salomon Active: 1900-06, 09-19 | . | . |
Schetril, Franz Active: 1852-1899 | . | . |
Scheuerle, Johann Active: 1811- vor 37 | . | . |
Schiegel, Georg Active: 1811- nach 26- vor 37 | . | . |
Schiessler, Clara Active: 1845-55 | . | . |
Schiessler , Johann Active: 1825-45 | . | . |
Schiffer, Eduard Active: 1856-67 | . | . |
Schiffer Franz | |
Schiffer, Franziska Active: 1854-60 | . | . |
Schiffer-Dub Active: 1858-60 | . | . |
Schiffmann, Theodor Active: 1888-3.1909 | . | . |
Schigl, Johann Active: 1862-70 | . | . |
Schikinger, Adolf Active: 1879-95 | . | . |
Schild, Rudolf Active: 1900-21 | . | . |
Schill, Anna Active: 1872-77 | . | . |
Schill, Carl Active: 1826-33 | . | . |
Schill, Johann Andreas active vor 1802-45 | . | . |
Schill, Ludwig Active: um 1871-72 | . | . |
Schill, Ludwig Active: 1844-59 | . | . |
Schill, Marie Active: 1886-1921 | . | . |
Schill, Philipp Active: 1810-51 | . | . |
Schill Rudolf active 1840-62 | . | . |
Schill, Theodor Active: 1857-68 | . | . |
Schill, Wilhelm Active: 1845-50 | . | . |
Schillberger, Cyrillus Active: 1853-79 | . | . |
Schilling, Franz Active: 1898-1904 | . | . |
Schilling, Franz Active: 1907-24f | . | . |
Schilling, Leopold Active: 1902-24f | . | . |
Schillinger, Joseph Active: 1811-32 | . | . |
Schima, Peter Active: 1845-74 | . | . |
Schimmel, Nathan Active: 1912-24f | . | . |
Schimmerling, Oskar Active: 1909-24f | . | . |
Schinagl, Josef Active: 1874-81 | . | . |
Schindler, Johann Active: 1891-1924f | . | . |
Schindler, Johann Active: 1902-24f | . | . |
Schindler, Lorenz Active: 1871-1902 | . | . |
Schindler, Lorenz Active: 1906-08 | . | . |
Schindler, Lorenz Active: um 1901 | . | . |
Schindler, Wenzel Active: 1853-73 | . | . |
Schipka, J. Active: um 1867 | . | . |
Schittenhelm, Johann Active: 1918-26 | . | . |
Schläfrig, Bernhard Active: 1881-1907 | . | . |
Schlefrig, Heinrich Active: 1881-82 | . | . |
Schleicher, Jakob Active: 1817- vor 37 | . | . |
Schleinzer, Karl Active: 1927-30 | . | . |
Schleiter, Stephan Active: 1890-1924 | . | . |
Schlesinger, Franz Active: 1906-09 | . | . |
Schlesinger, Franz Active: 1889-94, 98-1902 | . | . |
Schlesinger, Jakob Active: 1910-16 | . | . |
Schlesinger, Karl Active: 1862-74 | . | . |
Schlesinger, Sigmund Active: 1896-1905 | . | . |
Schlesinger, Wilhelmine Active: 1909-16 | . | . |
Schless, Wenzel Active: 1827- vor 37 | . | . |
Schletter, Johann Active: 1766-91 | . | . |
Schließmann, Andreas Active: 1817 (1815?)-42 | . | . |
Schließmann, Joseph Active: 1811-49 | . | . |
Schlögl, Karl Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Schlosko, Josef Active: 1863-87 | . | . |
Schloss, Johann Active: 1836-39 | . | . |
Schmalstieg, Heinrich Active: 1905-24f | . | . |
Schmaus, Hermann Active: 1916-24f | . | . |
Schmaus, Leopold Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Schmerak, Thomas Active: 1897-1910, 12-16 | . | . |
Schmerling, David Active: 1907-24f | . | . |
Schmid, Friedrich Active: 1875-1903 | . | . |
Schmid, Johann Active: 1907-24f | . | . |
Schmid, Josef Active: 1895-1913 | . | . |
Schmid, Julius Active: 1846-48 | . | . |
Schmid, Karl Active: 1882-1924f | . | . |
Schmid, Leopold Active: 1907-20 | . | . |
Schmid, Willibald Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Schmidinger, Georg Active: 1850-67 | . | . |
Schmidinger, Ludwig Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Schmidl, Hans Heinrich Active: um 1920 | . | . |
Schmidl, Josef Active: 1895-1906 | . | . |
Schmidler, Wenzel Active: um 1853 | . | . |
Schmidt, Agnes Active: 1901-6.1909 | . | . |
Schmidt, Alois Active: 1884-1900 | . | . |
Schmidt, Alois Active: 1883-84 | . | . |
Schmidt, Aloisia Active: 1856 | . | . |
Schmidt, Anna Active: 1837-57 | . | . |
Schmidt, Anton Active: 1872-81 | . | . |
Schmidt, Anton Active: 1815- vor 37 | . | . |
Schmidt, Carl Active: 1861-65 | . | . |
Schmidt Carl Gustav active 1826-54 | . | . |
Schmidt, Franz Active: 1911-37f | . | . |
Schmidt, Franz Active: 1864-65 | . | . |
Schmidt, Franziska Active: 1821-22 | . | . |
Schmidt Friedrich active 1811-nach 16- vor 37 | . | . |
Schmidt, Georg Active: 1820-68 | . | . |
Schmidt, Georg Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Schmidt, Georg Wilhelm Active: 1834-55 | . | . |
Schmidt, Heinrich Active: 1878-1907 | . | . |
Schmidt, Ignaz Active: 1848-55 | . | . |
Schmidt, Ignaz Joseph Active: 1802-36 | . | . |
Schmidt, Johann Active: 1812-30 | . | . |
Schmidt, Josef Active: 1910-16 | . | . |
Schmidt, Josefa Eleonora Active: 1868-77 | . | . |
Schmidt, Joseph Active: 1821- vor 37 | . | . |
Schmidt, Joseph Wolfgang Active: 1769-1811 | . | . |
Schmidt, Julius Active: 1875-81 | . | . |
Schmidt, Klara Active: 1855-56 | . | . |
Schmidt, Leopold Active: 1906-18 | . | . |
Schmidt, Ludwig Active: um 1870/ 86 | . | . |
Schmidt, Ludwig Active: 1813- nach 1823 - vor 1837 | . | . |
Schmidt, Rosina Active: 1919 | . | . |
Schmidt, Theodor Active: um 1898 | . | . |
Schmidt Tobias | |
Schmidtbauer, Christoph Active: 1815- nach 26 | . | . |
Schmit, Gottfried Active: 1802-20 | . | . |
Schmitt , Josef Active: 1852-67 | . | . |
Schmitt, Peter Active: 1875-1919 | . | . |
Schmucker, Franz Active: 1759- nach 81- vor 92 | . | . |
Schmutz, Leopold Active: 1835/ 36-38 | . | . |
Schnabel, Eduard | . | . |
Schnabl, Joseph Active: 1840-44 | . | . |
Schnaus, Franz Active: 1833-47 | . | . |
Schnaus, Leopold Active: 1813-21 | . | . |
Schnee, Ignaz Active: 1913-16 | . | . |
Schnee, Ignaz Active: 1897-1902 | . | . |
Schnee, Jakob Active: 1879-89 | . | . |
Schneid, Elias | . | . |
Schneid, Jakob Active: 1883-1914 | . | . |
Schneider, Anton Active: 1760-1814 | . | . |
Schneider, Antonia Active: 1848 | . | . |
Schneider, Arnold Active: 1918-24f | . | . |
Schneider, August Active: 1848-67, 72 | . | . |
Schneider, Bernhard Active: 1919-22 | . | . |
Schneider Franz | |
Schneider, Gottfried Active: 1870-75 | . | . |
Schneider, Johann Active: 1894-1901 | . | . |
Schneider, Johann Baptist Active: 1769- nach 81- vor 92 | . | . |
Schneider, Joseph Active: 1779-1823 | . | . |
Schneider, Justus Active: 1833-47 | . | . |
Schneider, Marie Active: 1902-05 | . | . |
Schneider, Martin Active: 1839-43, 52-55 | . | . |
Schneider, Wilhelm Active: 1856-57 | . | . |
Schnepf, Anton Active: 1890-1916 | . | . |
Schnepf, Barbara Active: 1918-19 | . | . |
Schnepf, Franz Peregrin Active: 1862-72, 76-1901 | . | . |
Schnidt, Andreas Active: 1776-1811 | . | . |
Schnidt, Anton Active: 1811-35 | . | . |
Schnidt, Katharina Active: 1835-36 | . | . |
Schnitt, Joseph Active: 1837-62 | . | . |
Schnitzler, Julius Active: 1889-90 | . | . |
Schnürer, Julius Active: 1909-24f | . | . |
Schnürmacher, Jacques Active: 1906-11 | . | . |
Schober, Joseph Active: 1808-09 | . | . |
Schober, Joseph Active: 1768-1808 | . | . |
Schöberl, Ferdinand Active: 1920-31.10.1963 | . | . |
Schöberl, Ludwig Active: 1891-1924f | . | . |
Schöfnagl, Johann Active: 1900-24f | . | . |
Schoeller, Ritter von, Alexander Active: 1843- vor 86 | . | . |
Schöller Carolus | Pest c.1863 |
Schön, Alois Active: 1863-68 | . | . |
Schön, Alois Active: 1858-62 | . | . |
Schön, Barbara Active: 1869-76 | . | . |
Schön, Jakob Active: 1870-79, 83 | . | . |
Schön, Mathias Active: 1794-1823 | . | . |
Schönberg, August Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Schönberger, Alois Active: 1907-21 | . | . |
Schönberger, Wenzel Active: 1860-68 | . | . |
Schönblüh, Heinrich Active: 1905-24f | . | . |
Schönfeld, Emil Active: 1918-24f | . | . |
Schönfeld, Emil Active: 1898-1906 | . | . |
Schönfeld, Jakob Active: 1909-24f | . | . |
Schönhuber, Johann Active: 1898-1922 | . | . |
Schönig, Anton Active: 1919-63 | . | . |
Schöpf, Agnes Active: 1873-75 | . | . |
Schöpf, Josef Active: 1867-73 | . | . |
Schöpf, Karl Active: 1875-1905 | . | . |
Schörg, Ignaz Active: 1881-87 | . | . |
Schörl, Ferdinand Active: 1895-1906 | . | . |
Schörl, Johann Active: 1851-95 | . | . |
Schörl, Johann Active: 1887-1916 | . | . |
Scholz, Johann Active: 1914-24f | . | . |
Scholz, Josef Franz Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Scholz, Robert Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Schonon, Emil Active: 1871-76 | . | . |
Schorr, David Active: 1904-11 | . | . |
Schossberger, Sigmund Active: 1898-1901 | . | . |
Schotten, Adolf Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Schotz, Anton Active: 1856-63 | . | . |
Schräck, Heinrich Franz Active: 1863-74 | . | . |
Schraft, Jakob Active: 1812-40 | . | . |
Schraft, Karl Active: 1846-77 | . | . |
Schramek, Ludwig Active: 1907-12 | . | . |
Schrammel, Richard Active: um 1900 | . | . |
Schramseis, Ludwig Active: 1916-24f | . | . |
Schrank, Wilhelm Active: 1909-24f | . | . |
Schrankell, Karl Active: 1892-1924f | . | . |
Schrappeneder, Johann Active: 1864-65 | . | . |
Schreiber, Isidor Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Schreiber, Isidor Active: 1892-1903 | . | . |
Schrenzl, Nathan Active: um 1903 | . | . |
Schreyer, Franz Active: 1893-1901 | . | . |
Schröder, Jakob Active: 1807- nach 23/ vor 37 | . | . |
Schröder, Josef Active: 1891-94 | . | . |
Schröder, Peter Active: 1827-40 | . | . |
Schröfl, Wilhelm Active: 1888-90 | . | . |
Schröter, Wilhelm Active: 1907-2.09 | . | . |
Schropp, Franz Active: 1840-41 | . | . |
Schrottmann, Max Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Schub, Franz Active: 1811- nach 26 | . | . |
Schub, Josef Active: um 1873-77 | . | . |
Schub, Joseph Active: 1837-55 | . | . |
Schuba, Franz Active: 1914-24f | . | . |
Schubarth, Walburga Active: 1873-75 | . | . |
Schubert, Anna Active: 1812- (vor 37)-51 | . | . |
Schubert, Franz Active: 1840-56 | . | . |
Schubert, Franz Active: 1900-24f | . | . |
Schubert, Ignaz Active: 1779-1821 | . | . |
Schubert, Johann Active: 1844-64 | . | . |
Schubert, Stephan Active: 1812- vor 37 | . | . |
Schücker, Christof Active: 1891-1912 | . | . |
Schüssler, Ferdinand Jakob Active: 1855-89 | . | . |
Schütz, Andreas Active: 1892-1924f | . | . |
Schütz, Andreas Active: 1866-92 | . | . |
Schütz, Jakob Active: 1779-1809 | . | . |
Schütz, Katharina Active: 1810-16 | . | . |
Schützenhofer, Jacob Active: 1812-34 | . | . |
Schuhmacher, Johann Active: 1873-1913 | . | . |
Schuldes, Alois Active: 1906-24f | . | . |
Schumacher, August Active: 1876-83 | . | . |
Schumacher, August Active: 1858-65 | . | . |
Schumacher, Georg Karl Active: 1807- 27 (?) | . | . |
Schumacher, Sophia Active: 1827 (?)-38 | . | . |
Schwab, Ignaz Friedrich Active: 1772- vor 1801 | . | . |
Schwab, Joseph Friedrich Active: 1739-85 | . | . |
Schwab, Ludwig Active: 1891-1924f | . | . |
Schwab, Rudolf Josef Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Schwager, Margaretha Active: 1808-10 | . | . |
Schwager, Michael Active: 1785-1807 | . | . |
Schwarcz, Marcus Active: 1902-24f | . | . |
Schwartz, Stephan | . | . |
Schwarz, Adolf Active: 1881-85 | . | . |
Schwarz, Alexander Active: 1905-24f | . | . |
Schwarz, Anna Active: 1873-74 | . | . |
Schwarz, Anton Active: 1893-1924f | . | . |
Schwarz, Artur Active: 1919-38f | . | . |
Schwarz, Bernhard Active: 1884-1909 | . | . |
Schwarz, Carl Active: 1896-99 | . | . |
Schwarz Emanuel | Active: 1876-1910 |
Schwarz, Emerich Active: 1884-1920 | . | . |
Schwarz, Emil Active: 1893-1902 | . | . |
Schwarz, Eugen Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Schwarz, Gerson Active: um 1907-22 | . | . |
Schwarz, Isidor Active: 1900-06 | . | . |
Schwarz, J. Active: um 1867 | . | . |
Schwarz, Jakob Active: 1860-62 | . | . |
Schwarz, Johann Active: 1856-77 | . | . |
Schwarz, Josef Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Schwarz, Josef Active: 1862 | . | . |
Schwarz, Josef Paul Active: 1883-87 | . | . |
Schwarz, Julie Active: 1910-21 | . | . |
Schwarz, Karl Active: 1895-1912 | . | . |
Schwarz, Karl Active: 1902-24f | . | . |
Schwarz, Leopold Active: 1875-78 | . | . |
Schwarz, Max Active: 1858-60, 66-80 | . | . |
Schwarz, Max Active: 1883-1907 | . | . |
Schwarz, Max Active: 1901-03 | . | . |
Schwarz, Max Active: 1907-16 | . | . |
Schwarz, Moses Active: 1891-1924 | . | . |
Schwarz, Sandor Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Schwarz, Sara Active: 1882-83 | . | . |
Schwarz, Valentin Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Schwarz, Wilhelm Active: 1909-24f | . | . |
Schwarz, Zacharias Active: 1863-70 | . | . |
Schwarz & Steiner Active: 1903-24f | . | . |
Schwarzbrod, Heinrich Joachim Active: 1888-90 | . | . |
Schwarzer, Eduard Active: 1859-62 | . | . |
Schwarzer, Johann Active: 1884-87 | . | . |
Schwarzer, Julius Active: 1907-24f | . | . |
Schwarzer Leopold active 1864-76 | . | . |
Schwarzer, Leopold Active: 1877-95 | . | . |
Schwarzer, Rudolf Active: 1920-69 | . | . |
Schwarzinger, Leopold Active: 1854-55 | . | . |
Schwarzstein, Jakob Active: 1897-1907 | . | . |
Schwarzwald & Goldberg Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Schwebskichel, Rudolf Active: 1881-1908 | . | . |
Schweda, August Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Schwegerl, Wilhelm Active: 1773-1827 | . | . |
Schweiger, Gottfried Active: 1871-84 | . | . |
Schweiger, Ludwig Active: 1886-95 | . | . |
Schweikofsky, Heinrich Active: 1918-24f | . | . |
Schweitzer, Friedrich Active: 1881-82 | . | . |
Schweitzer, Joseph Active: 1855-64 | . | . |
Schweizer, Ludwig Active: 1881-1920 | . | . |
Schweizer & Comp., Albert Active: um 1882 | . | . |
Schwenkh, Anton Active: 1789-1821 | . | . |
Schwer, Dominik Active: 1844-67 | . | . |
Schwertmann, Matthäus Active: 1918-24f | . | . |
Schwertner, Hermann Active: vor 1862-78 | . | . |
Schwertner, Josef Active: 1881-83 | . | . |
Schwertner, Josefa Active: 1879-82 | . | . |
Schwester, Adolf Active: 1856-72 | . | . |
Schwetz, Karl Active: 1918-24f | . | . |
Schwimmer, Nikolaus Active: 1878-79 | . | . |
Schwippel, Anton Active: 1836-62 | . | . |
Schwippel, Franz Active: 1868-90 | . | . |
Schwippel, Josef Active: 1868-1924f | . | . |
Schwippel, Wilhelmine Active: 1862-68 | . | . |
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