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(click on the photo to enlarge image)
Kobasta, Franz Active: 1892-10.1909
Kobeck, Franz Active: 1841-78
Kobeck, Johann Active: 1797-1829
Kobeck, Joseph Active: 1837-45
Kobeck, Paul Active: 1749-95
Kober, Cyrill Active: 1892-1911
Kober, Franziska Active: 1912-24f
Kober, Othmar Active: 1921-24f
Koblischke, Ernst Active: 1920-24f
Koblischke, Rudolf Active: 1909-8.36
Koch, Joseph Active: 1833-59
Kocher, Josef Active: 1881-1900
Kocher, Magdalena Active: 1901-04
Kodal, Johann Active: 1856-60
Kodidek, Johann Active: 1840-72
Köcher, Adolf Active: 1897-3.1910
Köchert, A. E. Active: 1916-24f
Köchert, Alexander Emanuel Active: 1848-79
Köchert, Heinrich Active: 1879-1908
Köchert, Jakob Heinz Active: 1825-68
Köchert, Theodor Active: 1882-1916
Köchler, Vincenz Active: 1862-81
Köck, Franz Active: um 1871
Köhler, August Otto Active: 1846-83
Köhler, Jacob Active: 1830-45
Köhler, Rudolf Active: 1893-1921
Köhler, Hanusch & Comp. Active: um 1905
Kölbel, Maria Anna Active: 1780- nach 81- vor 92
Köll, Anton Active: 1797-1841
Köll, Anton Active: 1827-57
Köll, Franz Active: 1810-30
König, Anna Active: 1885-1901
König, Eduard Active: 1883-1924f
König, Friedrich Adolf Active: 1843-51, 56-67
König, Friedrich Josef Active: 1888-1924f
König, Josef Active: 1877-84
König, Josef Active: 1847-65
König, Josia Active: 1860-68
Köpf, Joseph Active: 1841-54
Köpler, Johann Active: 1819- vor 37
Körbel, Johann Active: 1862-67
Körzler, Joseph Active: 1810-22
Kössler, Johann Active: 1767-1800
Kofler, Simon Active: 1815- vor 37
Kogler, Johann Active: vor 1834-34
Kogler , Joseph Active: 1818-22
Kohaut, Karl Active: 1906-14
Kohl, Carl Adolf Active: 1846-72
Kohl, Franz Active: um 1905
Kohl, Johann Active: 1872-75
Kohlbeck, Kaspar Active: 1879-91
Kohlbeck, Theresia Active: 1892-97
Kohlmayer, Georg Active: 1812-38
Kohn, Adolf Active: 1887-1902
Kohn, Alfred Active: 1909-18
Kohn, Alois Active: 1884-1918
Kohn, Andreas Active: 1853-82
Kohn, Filipp Active: 1882-83
Kohn, Franz Active: 1901-24f
Kohn, Geza Active: 1906-19
Kohn, Julius Active: 1891-1903
Kohn, Ludwig Active: 1883-87, 93-1914
Kohn, Ludwig Active: 1842
Kohn, Max Active: 1887-96
Kohn, Max Active: 1893-1924f
Kohn, Moriz Active: 1864-83

Kohn, Paul Active: 1912-17
Kohn, Philipp Active: 1906-17
Kohn, Robert Active: 1920-24f
Kohn, Rosalia Active: 1862-64
Kohn, S. & Sohn Active: 1881-82
Kohner & Pollak Active: um 1870-76
Kohon, Josef Active: 1890-1924
Koimziolu, Richard Active: 1919-24f
Kojanitz, Philipp Active: 1834-37
Kokoschka, Gustav Josef Active: 1864(?)-84, 86-88, 92-?
Kolar, Anton Active: 1910-20.4.59
Kolar, Franz Active: 1863-1904
Kolb, Julius Active: 1888-94
Kolb, Ludwig Active: 1877-1915
Kolbert, Martin Active: 1875-76
Kolbinger, Carl Active: 1902-12, 17-24f
Kolitzhofer, Karl Active: 1875-77
Kolitzhofer, Karl Active: 1838-68
Kollegger, Louise Active: 1869-72
Kollin, Carl Active: um 1875-1908-22
Kolliner, Benedikt Active: 1903-22
Kollisch, Isidor Active: 1883-1904
Kollmann, Josef Active: 1921-24f
Kollmeyer, Joseph Active: 1816-45
Kollomirsky, Josef Active: 1853-54
Kollomirsky, Leopoldine Active: 1855
Komalsky, Adolf Active: 1892-97
Komrmayer, Anton Active: 1920-24f
Kondrat, Franz Active: 1880-94
Kondrat, Rudolf Active: 1894-1924
Konrad, Hermann Active: 1891-1917
Konrad, Johann Active: 1857-66
Konrady, Kaspar Active: 1861-63
Kopecny, Franz Active: 1919-24f
Kopecny, Rudolf Active: 1911-12
Kopf, Felix Active: 1875-76
Kopfschläger, Wenzel Active: 1900-05
Koppelli, Anton Active: um 1834 ?
Kopriva, Ferdinand
Kordon, Anton Active: 1827-63
Kordon, Franz Active: um 1847 ?
Kordon, Franz Active: 1865-1912
Kordon, Fridolin Active: 1863-71
Kordon, Karl Active: 1912-24f
Korkes, Moses Active: 1883-84
Kormis, Wolf Josef Active: 1901-07
Korn, Anna Active: 1851-53
Korn, Joseph Johann Active: 1822-50
Kornblau, Abraham Active: 1892-96
Kornblum, Moritz Active: um 1920
Kornelick, Anton Active: 1834-47
Kornelick, Theresia Active: 1848-49
Kornfein, Arnold Active: 1905-10
Korngut, Norbert Active: 1884-95
Kornhofer, Amalie Active: 1869-74
Kornitzer, Samuel Active: 1902-05
Korotin, Mathias Active: 1872-82
Korrat, Viktor
Korsitzky, Emil Active: 1893-1911
Kosel, Johann Active: um 1863
Kosel, Johann Active: um 1868
Kosian, Alois Active: 1919-5.1.62
Koss, Albert Active: 1871-80
Kostinik, Franz Active: 1820- nach 26- vor 37
Kostka, Hugo Active: 1899-2.1910
Kotek, Anton Josef Active: 1892-1922
Kothgassner, Maria Active: 1875-79
Kotiborsky, Andreas Active: um 1908
Kotschy, Josef Active: um 1904
Kottek, Johann Active: 1848-54
Kotzmann, Ferdinand Active: 1837-51
Kovacs, Wilhelm Active: 1907-21
Kovarik, Josef Active: 1903-10
Kowarschik, Josef Active: 1921-24f
Kozourek, Alois Active: 1897-1924f
Krämer, Alexander Adam Active: 1857-79
Krämer, Johann Active: 1842-53, 64-82
Krämer, Joseph Active: 1844-55
Krämer, Karl Active: 1845-1900
Krämer, Salomon Active: 1904-22
Krämer, Victor Active: 1892-1918

Krämmer, Josef Active: um 1873
Kränzle, Johann Active: 1811-21
Kränzle, Johann Active: um 1903
Kräuterblüh, Jakob Active: 1919-24f
Kraft, Franz Active: 1774- nach 81- vor 92, 1813-14 Kraft, Julius Active: 1870-72
Kraft, Rupert Active: 1894-4.1909
Krakauer, Eduard Active: 1881-85
Kral, Franz Active: 1916-22
Kramar, Vincenz Active: 1909-24f
Kramar, Vincenz Active: 1867-6.1909
Kraml, Josef Active: 1870-1905
Krammer, Alois Active: 1895-1924f
Krammer, Georg Active: 1820-58
Krapfl, Rudolf Active: 1910-24
Kratochwill, Karl Active: 1860-77
Kraus, Adolf Active: 1891-1910
Kraus, Alois Active: 1842-63
Kraus, Alois Franz Active: 1863-66
Kraus, Anna Active: 1866-67
Kraus, Anton Josef Active: 1853-89
Kraus, Carl Active: 1900-1906 Gehilfe
Kraus, Emma Active: 1908-09
Kraus, Moritz Active: 1909-24f
Kraus, Moritz Active: 1884-1906
Kraus, Paul Active: 1902-03
Kraus, Paul Active: 1904-24f
Kraus, Philipp
Krauss, Alexander Active: 1912-24f
Krauss, Andreas Active: 1917-24f
Krauss, Christian Active: 1777- nach 92- vor 99
Krauss, Franz Active: 1800-20
Krauss, Franz Joseph Active: 1757- nach 81-88
Krauss, Markus Active: 1896-1910
Krauss, Markus Moritz Active: 1910-12
Krauss, Salomon Active: 1908-24f
Krautauer, Ignaz Active: 1771-87
Krautauer, Jakob Active: 1795-1825
Krautauer, Maria Anna Active: 1788- vor 99
Krautenfeld, Leon Active: 1874-75
Krchnyak, Karl Active: 1919-24f
Krebs, Franz jun. Active: um 1920
Krebs , Franz sen.
Kreidl, Felix Active: 1788-1804
Kreidl, Magdalena Active: 1805
Kreiner, Hedwig Active: 1876-83
Kreisel, Anton Active: 1820-44
Kreisel, David Active: 1780- vor 97
Kreisel, David Active: 1813-46
Kreisky, Rudolf Active: 1917-24f
Kremlaczek, Stanislaus Active: 1871-72
Kremlaczek, Theresia Active: 1873-77, 1900-06?)
Kremlatzek, Stanislaus Active: 1876-99
Kremmer, Friedrich Active: 1840-48
Kremmer, Peter Wilhelm Active: 1837-62
Krempel, Alois Active: 1860-65
Kren, David Active: 1863-68
Krenn, David Active: 1875-79, 81-91
Krepinsky, Karl Active: 1905-24f
Kreschower, Jacob Active: 1872-75
Kretschmar, Franz Active: 1870-93
Kreusel, Ernst Active: 1846-67
Kreutz, Georg Active: 1844-58
Kreutz, Julie Active: 1859-60
Kreutzinger, Adam Active: 1797-1815
Kricsmanits, Ludwig Active: 1873-75
Kriebeth, Johann Active: 1818-45
Krieg, Adolf Active: 1898-1921
Krieg, Karl Gottlieb Active: 1841-76
Krieg, Magdalena Active: 1876-81
Krieg, Otto Heinrich Active: 1881-90
Krieger, Anna Elisabeth Active: 1868-82
Krieger, Ignaz Active: 1907-19
Krieger, Johann Active: 1879-83
Krieger, Joseph Active: 1844-66
Krippel, Franz Active: 1921-2.62 (?)

Kriz, Julius Active: 1898-1914
Krizek, Josef Active: 1872-74
Krochmal, Jakob Simon Active: 1905-24f
Kronawetter, Lorenz Active: 1834-46
Kronberger, Josef Active: 1812-21
Kronengold, Leon Active: 1883-98
Kronfeld, Ignaz Active: 1889-90
Kronfeld, Isaak Leib Active: 1904-24f
Kronfeld, Pinkas Active: 1914-24
Kropatschek, Johann Active: 1893-1924f
Kror, Ambros Active: 1816-28
Krothmar, Johann Michael Active: 1772-1804
Krothmayer, Sebastian Active: 1783-92
Krothmayr, Joseph Active: 1795-1805
Krug, Karl Active: 1918-24f
Krum, Anton Active: 1898-1924f
Krum, Anton Active: 1870-1900
Krumm, Anton Active: 1849-71
Krumm, Eduard Active: 1871-90
Krupp, Arthur
Krusche, Anton Active: 1903-19
Krusche, Franz Active: 1903-15
Krusche, Franz Josef Active: 1919-24f
Krusche, Josef Active: 1867-1903
Krutak, Josef Active: 1919-24f
Kubacek, Alois Active: 1918-66
Kubat, Josef Active: 1893-1924f
Kube, Josef Active: 1897-1924f
Kubick, Joseph Active: 1836-40
Kubiczek, Ludwig Active: 1921-22
Kucher, Dominikus Active: 1828-72
Kucher, Georg Active: 1843-71
Kucher, Josef Active: 1878-99
Kucher, Karl (sen.) Active: 1876-1916
Kucher, Magdalena Active: 1871-76
Kucher, Therese Active: 1900-22
Kuchler, Karl Active: 1921-24f
Kudelka, Franz Active: 1871-75
Kübler, Anna Active: 1858-62
Kübler, Franz Active: 1852-57
Kühn, Balthasar Active: 1825-41
Kühn, Eva Active: 1842-43
Kühnberg, Heinrich Active: 1911-24f
Künzel, Carl Active: 1839-61
Künzler, Josefa Active: 1879-81
Küttner, Alois Active: 1884-87
Kugler, Antonia Active: 1779- nach 81- vor 92
Kuhlank, Karl Active: 1901-16
Kuhlank, Otto Active: 1893-99
Kuhn, Anton Active: 1840-47
Kuhn, Friedrich Active: 1834/ 44 (?) -50
Kuhn, Heinrich Ferdinand Active: 1834-47
Kuhn, Johann Nepomuk Active: 1819-47
Kuhn, Joseph Active: 1833-55
Kuhn, Leopold Active: 1818-28
Kuhn, Maria Active: 1848-53
Kulank, Adolf Active: 1869-83
Kulank, Adolf Active: 1858-63
Kulank, Karl Active: 1885-89
Kulhanek, Antonia Active: 1824
Kulhanek, Ignaz Active: 1803-23
Kulina, Anton Active: 1872-79
Kummer, Friedrich Active: 1822-38
Kummerer, Franz Active: 1920-24f
Kunesch, Anton Active: 1881-89
Kunke, Markus Active: 1910-12
Kunst, Josef Active: 1918-24f
Kuntegrabner, Josef Active: 1864-72
Kunz, Wilhelm Active: 1910-24f
Kunzmann, Georg Active: 1823-47
Kurek, Wilhelm Active: 1910-24f
Kurzer, Jakob Hersch Active: 1894-1924f
Kurzweil, Josef Active: 1874-1912
Kuthmayer, Heinrich Active: 1899-1902
Kutiak, Albert Active: 1860-92
Kutil, Franz Active: 1901-24f
Kutschera, Johann Active: um 1897
Kuttenauer Active: 1809-31
Kuttenauer Active: 1800-08
Kuttenauer, Johann Active: 1789-1822
Kuttenauer, Vinzenz Active: 1818-33
Kvoch, August Active: 1907-24f
Kwasnica, Franz Rudolf Active: 1902-22
Kwassinger, Franz Active: 1851-80
Kwich, Ignaz Active: 1893-1924f

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