(click on the photo to enlarge image)
Paasdorfer, Anna Active: 1878-93 | . | . |
Pabst, Adolf Active: 1899-1916 | . | . |
Pabst, Alois Active: 1888-95 | . | . |
Pabst, Emanuela Active: 1896-1921 | . | . |
Pachtmann, Heinrich Active: 1811-44 | . | . |
Packeny, Karl Active: 1815-58 | . | . |
Packeny, Prokop Active: 1870-76 | . | . |
Packeny, Prokop Johann Active: 1838-70 | . | . |
Packeny, Rosalia Active: 1862-66 | . | . |
Pageny, Joseph Active: 1812-21 | . | . |
Pageny, Theresia Active: 1821-24 | . | . |
Paltl, Johann Active: 1893-95 | . | . |
Paltscho, Charlotte Active: 1877-80 | . | . |
Paltscho, Ernst Active: 1899-1924f | . | . |
Paltscho, Karl Active: 1883-86 | . | . |
Paltscho, Karl Wilhelm Active: 1845-77 | . | . |
Paltzew, Chaja Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Panek, Fr. Active: um 1857 | . | . |
Pankiewicz, Karl Active: 1904-16 | . | . |
Pankler, Franz Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Panz, Rudolf Active: 1868-76 | . | . |
Panzenberger, Theodor Active: 1906-24f | . | . |
Papacek, Hugo Active: 1906-07 | . | . |
Papacek, Hugo Active: 1919-21 | . | . |
Papernik, Samuel Active: 1883-84 | . | . |
Papernik, Samuel Salomon Active: 1892-98 | . | . |
Papisch, Joseph Active: 1810-46 | . | . |
Paradeiser, Eduard Josef Active: 1845-79 | . | . |
Parbs, Karl Active: 1870-72 | . | . |
Partsch, August Active: 1897-1924f | . | . |
Pasch, Anton Active: 1887-89 | . | . |
Passawa, Adolf Vincenz Active: 1900-18 | . | . |
Passawa, Amalia Active: 1920-22 | . | . |
Passawa, Wenzel Active: 1885-87 | . | . |
Pastirzk, Franz Active: 1837-45 | . | . |
Pata, Adolf Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Patak, Ferdinand Active: 1859-89 | . | . |
Patnoter, Jakob Daniel Active: vor 1865-69 | . | . |
Patnoter, Josefa Active: 1871-82 | . | . |
Pattner, Benjamin Wolf Active: 1901-24f | . | . |
Patzinger, Josef Active: 1860-97 | . | . |
Paul, Felix Active: 1811- nach 15- vor 37 | . | . |
Paumann, Peter Active: 1772-1818 | . | . |
Pawlas, Franz | . | . |
Pawliczek, Alois Active: 1892-99 | . | . |
Pawliczek, Franz Active: 1883-90 | . | . |
Pawliczek, Franz Active: 1860-73 | . | . |
Pawliczek, Maria Active: 1873-92 | . | . |
Paxrainer, Josef Active: 1867-78 | . | . |
Paxrainer, Karl Active: 1887-1924f | . | . |
Paxreiner, Theresia Active: 1881-82 | . | . |
Payer, Franz Active: 1912-24f | . | . |
Payer, Johann Active: um 1871 | . | . |
Pech, Franz Active: 1858-72 | . | . |
Pechmann, von, Wenzel Theodor Active: 1900-08 | . | . |
Pechstein, Jakob Active: um 1863 | . | . |
Peczenik, Wolf Manes Active: 1863-76 | . | . |
Peffel, Franz de Paula Active: 1769- nach 81- vor 92 | . | . |
Pehn, Johann Active: 1898-1904, 11-13 | . | . |
Peindinger, Joseph Andreas Leopold Active: 1780- nach 92- vor 1801 | . | . |
Peindinger, Leopold Active: 1752-1800 | . | . |
Peinkofer, Ferdinand Active: 1822-30, 37-40 (-63?) | . | . |
Peinkofer, Martin Active: 1799-1827 | . | . |
Peinkofer, Sebastian Active: 1826-60 | . | . |
Pekaschy, Lorenz Active: 1853-59 | . | . |
Pelikan, Anton Active: 1858-75 | . | . |
Pelikan, Franz Active: 1847-75, 79, 90-1908 | . | . |
Pelischek, Alfred Active: 1886-95 | . | . |
Pelischek, Anton Active: 1866-75 | . | . |
Pelischek, Anton Active: 1822- vor 37 | . | . |
Pelischek, Gustav Johann Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Pelischek, Ignaz Active: 1887-1914 | . | . |
Pelischek, Ignaz Active: 1860-86 | . | . |
Pelischek, Josef Active: 1872-98 | . | . |
Pelischek, Josef Active: 1884-87 | . | . |
Pellichower, Viktor Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Penz, Karl Active: 1892-94 | . | . |
Pepes, Joachim Hermann Active: 1888-1902 | . | . |
Perger, Theodor Active: 1898-1924f | . | . |
Perko, August Active: 1895-99 | . | . |
Perlberg, Norbert Active: um 1902 | . | . |
Perlmutter, Elias Active: 1912-24f | . | . |
Pernetz, Josef Active: 1889-1924f | . | . |
Pernetz, Pinkas Active: 1906-11, 15-18, 22-24f | . | . |
Peroutka, Gabriel Active: 1890-95 | . | . |
Pertold, Karl Active: 1904-08 | . | . |
Peter, Anna Active: 1866-68 | . | . |
Peter, Carl Active: 1864-65 | . | . |
Peter, Heinrich Active: 1863-65 | . | . |
Peter , Johann Friedrich Active: 1776- nach 92- vor 99 | . | . |
Petermann, Vincenz Active: 1899-1903 | . | . |
Peters, Adolf Active: 1857-64 | . | . |
Peters, J. A. | . | . |
Peters, Viktoria Active: 1864 | . | . |
Petrasches, Johann Active: 1817-42 | . | . |
Petri, Jakob Active: 1844-47 | . | . |
Petronin, Johann Baptist Active: 1831-53 | . | . |
Petrovits, Johann Active: 1862-82 | . | . |
Petrowitsch, Marcus Active: 1839-59 | . | . |
Petruschka, Richard Active: 1896-1937f | . | . |
Petrzyk, Leopold Active: 1860-64 | . | . |
Pewny, Stefan Active: 1897-1906 | . | . |
Pfaffenmayer & Co., Josef Active: um 1911 | . | . |
Pfalzer, Lorenz Active: 1817-60 | . | . |
Pfann, Anton Active: 1868-82 | . | . |
Pfann, Josef Active: 1862-96 | . | . |
Pfann, Joseph Active: um 1840 | . | . |
Pfann, Othmar Active: 1894-1924 | . | . |
Pfannhauser, Josef Active: 1913-24 | . | . |
Pfeffer, Heinrich Active: 1852-64 | . | . |
Pfeiffer, Engelbert Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Pfeiffer, Joseph Active: 1839-47 | . | . |
Pfeiffer, Peter Active: 1916-24f | . | . |
Pfeufer, A. Active: um 1908 | . | . |
Pfiel, Johann Active: 1894-1911 | . | . |
Pfiel, Johann Active: 1912-21 | . | . |
Pfingstner, Ludwig Active: um 1907 | . | . |
Pflaumer, Eugen Active: 1905-07 ? | . | . |
Pfliegler, Johann Active: 1874-76 | . | . |
Pfuhl, Otto Active: 1816- nach 26- vor 37 | . | . |
Philip, Johann Active: 1848-52 | . | . |
Pichelmayer, Georg Active: 1859-87 | . | . |
Pichler, Johann Active: 1753- nach 81- vor 92 | . | . |
Pick, Leopold Active: um 1904 | . | . |
Pick, Moriz Active: 1860-69 | . | . |
Pick & Fleischner Active: um 1881-85 | . | . |
Pickel, Johann Active: um 1841 | . | . |
Pieter, Franz Active: 1802-25 | . | . |
Pieter, Franz Active: 1825-44 | . | . |
Pietsch, Eduard Active: 1857-82 | . | . |
Pilat, Franz Active: um 1900- nach 22 | . | . |
Pilat, Hermine Active: 1914 | . | . |
Pilat, Vincenz Active: 1887-1914 | . | . |
Pill, Eduard Active: 1894-1913 | . | . |
Pill, Henriette Active: 1879-82 | . | . |
Pioté, Emanuel Active: 1812-48 | . | . |
Pischek, Adalbert | . | . |
Pisecky, Johann Active: 1909-24f | . | . |
Piskatschek, Gottfried Active: 1912-24f | . | . |
Piskatschek, Rudolf Wilhelm Active: 1919-24 | . | . |
Pistol, Gustav Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Pistori, Friedrich Active: 1877-78 | . | . |
Pistori, Georg Active: 1860-82 | . | . |
Pittka, Leopold Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Pittner, Anton Active: 1842-68 | . | . |
Pittner, Wilhelm Active: 1857-60 | . | . |
Pitzele, Elias Active: 1877-90 | . | . |
Piwniczka, Karl Active: 1882-84, 89-90, 93-1922 | . | . |
Plaile, Karl Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Planding, Johann Active: 1822-63 | . | . |
Plank, Anna Active: 1869-77 | . | . |
Plank, Karl Active: 1918- nach 24- vor 37 | . | . |
Plasil, Eduard Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Platsek, Samuel Active: 1879-81 | . | . |
Platzer, Anton Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Platzer, Johann Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Platzer, Karl Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Platzer, Karl sen. Active: 1899-1913, 14-20 | . | . |
Platzer, Katharina Active: 1876-77 | . | . |
Platzer, Ludwig Active: 1877-1907 | . | . |
Platzer-Kosel, Marie Active: 1908-37(-48f) | . | . |
Plefka, Robert Active: 1921-24 | . | . |
Pleiner, Johann Active: 1898-1924f | . | . |
Plenk, Berthold Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Plescher, Wilhelm Active: 1919-22 | . | . |
Pless, Julius Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Plevey, August Active: 1841-43 | . | . |
Podhorzer, Jakob Active: 1879-81 | . | . |
Podleschnowitz, Karl Active: 1901-10 | . | . |
Podzymek, Alois Active: 1853-54 | . | . |
Pölking, Joseph Active: vor 1798 | . | . |
Pöller, Wilhelm Active: 1821- vor 37 | . | . |
Pöschel, Adelheit Active: 1860-62 | . | . |
Pöschel, Friedrich Active: 1862-64 | . | . |
Pöschel, Jakob Joseph Active: 1860-? | . | . |
Pohan, Carl Active: um 1906 | . | . |
Pohl, Benedict Active: 1886-95 | . | . |
Pokorny, Ferdinand Active: 1872-76 | . | . |
Pokorny, Joseph Active: 1776-1809 | . | . |
Polak, Franz Active: 1919-21 | . | . |
Politzer, Emil | . | . |
Politzer, Isidor Active: 1917-24 | . | . |
Politzer, Isidor Active: 1911-17 | . | . |
Politzer, Josef Active: 1866-72 | . | . |
Politzer, Josef Active: 1876-1907 | . | . |
Politzer, Ludwig Active: 1876-1907 | . | . |
Politzer, Robert Active: 1909-18 | . | . |
Politzer, Robert Active: 1917-24 | . | . |
Politzer, S. Active: 1867-76 | . | . |
Pollak, Alexander Active: 1883-89, 93-1919 | . | . |
Pollak, Alexander Active: 1882-91 | . | . |
Pollak, Alfred Active: 1899-1910 | . | . |
Pollak, Heinrich Active: 1861-84 | . | . |
Pollak, Jonas Active: 1893-1924f | . | . |
Pollak, Lazar Active: 1861-71 | . | . |
Pollak, Ludwig Active: 1869-73 | . | . |
Pollak, Nathan Active: 1908-12 | . | . |
Pollak, Rafael Active: um 1864 | . | . |
Pollak, Rafael Active: 1920-24 | . | . |
Pollak, Salomon Active: 1863-65 | . | . |
Pollak, Samuel Simon Active: 1880-81 | . | . |
Pollak, Siegmund Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Pollandt, Joseph Active: 1790-1818 | . | . |
Pollandt, Ursula Active: 1819 | . | . |
Pollmann, Josef Active: 1845-50, 55-57 | . | . |
Polnisch, Samuel Active: 1837-? | . | . |
Pombach, Johann Active: 1896-98 | . | . |
Pometlo, August Active: 1903-24f | . | . |
Ponocny, Karl Active: 1904-10-? | . | . |
Pontel, Friedrich Active: 1829-38, 41-51 | . | . |
Ponti, Eleonora Active: 1779-81 | . | . |
Poppe, Alois Active: 1862-66 | . | . |
Poppe, Friedrich Active: 1817-24 | . | . |
Poppe, Hugo (E.) Active: 1872-83 | . | . |
Poppe, Ignaz G. Active: 1833-72 | . | . |
Popper, Wilhelm Active: 1884-85 | . | . |
Porette, Jakob Active: 1890-98 | . | . |
Porschke, Carl Active: 1901-24 | . | . |
Porzer, Thomas Active: 1887-88 (1883-nach 92) | . | . |
Posch, Karl Active: 1863-67 | . | . |
Poschinger, Aloisia Active: 1914-24f | . | . |
Poschinger, Anton Active: 1904-13 | . | . |
Pospischel, Wenzel Active: 1861-72 | . | . |
Pospischil, Ferdinand Active: 1890-1918 | . | . |
Powitz, Mathias Active: 1815-24 | . | . |
Pramer, Josef Active: um 1896 - um 1910 | . | . |
Pramer, Ludwig Active: um 1910- nach 1914 | . | . |
Prandtner, Josef Active: 1822-25 | . | . |
Pregimacz, Karl Active: 1867-79 | . | . |
Pregimacz, Theresia Active: 1880-86 | . | . |
Prehn, Franz Active: 1857-63 | . | . |
Prem, Karl Active: 1915-24f | . | . |
Presina, Joseph Active: 1828-42 | . | . |
Pressler, Alois Active: 1893-1907 | . | . |
Pressler, Theresia Active: 1908-24f | . | . |
Pretsch, Johann Active: 1802-28 | . | . |
Pretsch, Joseph Active: 1832-47 | . | . |
Pretzelmayer, Filipp Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Prezyiemsky, Friedrich Active: 1860-1913 | . | . |
Pribelszky, Karl Active: 1893-1918 | . | . |
Pribyl, Anton Active: 1914-24f | . | . |
Prinz, Abraham Active: 1858-83 | . | . |
Prinz, Anton Active: 1850-54 | . | . |
Prinz, Gustav Active: 1895-1924f | . | . |
Prinz, Juliana Active: 1883-86 | . | . |
Prinz, Minna Active: 1883-84 | . | . |
Prisand, Wolf Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Prischl, Adolf Active: 1908-12, 22-24f | . | . |
Probst, Leopold Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Probstein, Jakob Active: 1860-83, 94-1903 | . | . |
Proch, Ludwig Heinrich Active: 1867-76 | . | . |
Prochaska, Franz Active: 1897-1904, 07-10 | . | . |
Prochazka, Adolf Active: 1890-1924f | . | . |
Prochazka, Ferdinand Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Productiv-Association..., Erste Wiener (s. Anm.) Active: 1872-73 | . | . |
Pröbsting, Karl Active: 1910-25 | . | . |
Prohaska, Andreas Clemens Eligius Active: 1819-36 | . | . |
Prohaska, Heinrich Active: 1918-25 | . | . |
Prohaska, Joseph Active: 1813-56 | . | . |
Prohaska, Theresia Active: 1818 | . | . |
Prohaska, Venantius Active: 1823-55 | . | . |
Prohaska, Wenzel Active: 1784-1817 | . | . |
Prokesch, Josef Active: um 1914-22 | . | . |
Prokop, Franz Active: 1907-08 | . | . |
Propper, Samuel Active: 1870-73 | . | . |
Proscheck, Franz de Paula Active: 1846-82 | . | . |
Proschek, Josef Active: 1879-82 | . | . |
Proschek, Ludwig Active: 1882-1922 | . | . |
Proschek, Raimund Active: 1876-82 | . | . |
Prosser, Jakob Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Prükner, Ignaz Active: 1817- vor 37 | . | . |
Pruschka, Johann Active: 1816- vor 37 | . | . |
Pruschka, Karoline Active: um 1900 | . | . |
Pschorner, Karl Active: 1892-1917 | . | . |
Puhm, Johann Active: 1893-? | . | . |
Pulda, Leopold Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Pulker, Franz Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Pundschuh, Johann Active: um 1814- nach 15- vor 37 | . | . |
Puppenschlag, David Active: 1839-40 | . | . |
Puth, Georg Active: 1830-46 | . | . |
Putz, Andreas Active: 1829-60 | . | . |
Putz, Andreas Active: 1812-36 | . | . |
Puwlas, Franz | . | . |
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