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(click on the photo to enlarge image)
Kaar, Carl Active: 1830-38
Kaas, Karl Active: 1871-82
Kaba, Johann Active: 1795-1834
Kachler, Johann Active: 1912-24f
Kaden, Anna Active: 1912-13
Kaden, Karl Active: 1886-1911
Kadzik, Emil Active: um 1899
Kadzik, Otto Active: um 1901
Kämpf, Georg Active: 1867-98
Kämpf, Heinrich Georg Active: 1885-86
Kafka, Thomas Active: 1917-24f
Kagerer, Johann Georg Active: 1766-81- nach 92- vor 1801
Kail, Mathias Active: um 1910
Kain, Johann Active: 1813-40
Kainar, Alois Active: 1885-86
Kainka, Johann Active: 1870-1906
Kainn, Stanislaus Active: 1840-72
Kainrath, Josef Active: um 1905
Kainz, Karl Active: 1899-1901
Kaiser, Albert (Josef) Active: 1873-1911
Kaiser, Karl Active: 1872-74
Kajtar, Stephan Active: 1919-24f
Kalb, Adolf Active: 1918-24f
Kalcher, Anton Active: 1862-1921
Kalcher, Josef
Kalcher, Karl Active: 1872-82
Kallai, Adolf Active: 1903-1924f
Kallert, Karl Active: 1903- ?
Kalmus, Hendel Active: 1895-1902
Kalmus, Pedaser Active: 1895-1903
Kalmus, Pedaser Active: 1859-96
Kaltenböck, Adolf Active: 1904-24f
Kaltenböck, Ferdinand Active: 1878-90
Kaltenböck, Ferdinand Active: 1892-93
Kaltenböck, Johann Active: 1840-74
Kaltenböck, Josef Active: 1879-1903
Kaltenböck, Karl Active: 1875-91
Kaltenböck, Karl Active: 1905-09
Kaltenböck, Maria Active: 1890-1906
Kaltseis, Mathias Active: 1846-53
Kamerlander, Josef Active: 1831-46, 53-60
Kammerlander, Joseph Active: 1807-37
Kandel, Menachem Active: 1893-98
Kandelhart, Friedrich Active: 1833-60
Kandelhart, Johann Active: 1874-1900
Kandl, Hermann Active: 1901-24f
Kandl, Hermann Active: 1876-8.1909
Kandler, Adolf Active: um 1910/ 14
Kandlhart , Friedrich August Active: 1900-24f
Kanitz, Alois Active: 1873-74
Kanitz, Emanuel Active: 1878-79
Kantor, August Active: 1880-83
Kanzler, Mathias Active: 1770-1808
Kanzler, Theresia Active: 1809-13
Kaplan, Simon Active: 1920-24f
Kappermann, Antonia Active: 1912-17
Kappermann, Heinrich Active: 1888-1910
Kappermann, Hermann Gottlieb Active: 1860-1901
Kapusta, Franz Active: 1893-97
Kargl, Johann Wenzel Active: 1909-24f
Kargl, Robert Active: 1908-24f
Karl, Andreas Active: 1813-55
Karl, Jacob Active: 1828-47
Karl, Josef Active: 1848-76

Karl, Josef Active: 1855-60
Karl, Kossak
Karner, Josef Active: um 1850
Kasper, Edmund Active: 1901-07
Kasper, Leopold Active: 1894-99
Kassal, Josef Active: 1872-82
Kastner, Abraham Active: 1874-82
Kastner, Siegmund Active: 1904-07
Katauer, Joseph Active: 1776- nach 82- vor 92
Kattner , A. Active: 1919-20
Kattner, Albert Active: 1855-83
Kattner, Albert Active: 1894-1911
Kattner, Albert & Friedrich Active: 1912-17
Kattner, Friedrich Active: 1917-19
Kattner & Co. Active: 1920-24f
Katz, David Active: 1885-1905
Katzenbeis, Leopold Active: 1845-62
Katzerowsky, Josef Active: 1845-?
Kauba Carl
active 1891-1898
Kauba Carl mark Kauba Carl mark
Kauftheil, Jeremias Active: 1893-1924f
Kaupa, Adolf Active: 1901-03
Kausmannhuber, Johann Active: 1789-94
Kautzky, Franz H. Active: 1893-1924f
Kayser, Tobias Active: 1766-80
Kebrdle, Johann Active: 1898-1922
Kebrdle, Wenzel Active: 1906-24f
Keil, Johann Active: 1858-59
Keiler, Franz Active: 1896-1924f
Keiler, Franz Active: 1870-1908
Keiler, Ludwig Active: 1876-81
Keiler, Ludwig Active: 1889-93
Keiler, Oskar Active: 1920-21
Keiler, Rudolf Active: 1899-1908
Keim, Eugen Active: 1856-72
Keller, Joseph Active: 1843-53
Kellermann, Franz Active: 1852-99
Kellermann, Franz Carl Active: 1899-1911
Kellermann, Karl Active: 1894-1908
Kellermann, Karl Active: 1864-68
Kellermann, Karl Active: 1867-87
Kellner, Catharina? Active: 1792- vor 1801
Kellner, Ludwig Active: 1768- nach 81-91
Kemetinger, Johann Active: 1875-78
Kempter, Adolf Active: 1893-97
Kempter, Friedrich Active: 1880-98
Kempter, Lorenz Active: 1871-79
Kempter, Lorenz Ambros Active: 1862-67
Kempter & Mattich Active: 1899-1924f
Kendl, Alexander Active: 1851-54
Kendrey, Ludwig Active: 1894-1919
Kerchnawe, Ferdinand Active: 1844-55
Kern, Anna Active: 1832-46
Kern, Heinrich Active: 1841-50
Kern, Helena Active: 1819-22
Kern, Johann Active: 1845-49
Kern, Joseph Active: 1812-32
Kern, Martin Active: 1787-1818
Kerner, Joseph Active: 1813- vor 37
Kersch, Jakob Active: 1879-1909
Kerth, Karl Active: 1883-84
Kerth, Karl Active: 1891-95
Kerwand, August Emanuel Active: 1863-65
Kerwand, Oskar Active: 1869-81
Kesberg, Richard Active: 1918-21
Kess, Elisabeth Active: vor 1837-40

Kess, Johann Anton Active: 1838-65
Kess, Ludwig Active: 1840-58
Kessler, Franziska Active: 1846-56
Kessler, Hermann Active: 1834-45
Kessler, Simon Friedrich Active: 1862-80
Kestenberg, Schije (Salomon) Active: 1891-1924f
Ketele, Anton Active: um 1917
Keucher, Florian Active: 1851-70
Kick, Theresia Active: 1779- nach 81- vor 92
Kiegler, Franz Active: 1920-24f
Kienast, Franz Active: 1886-1924f
Kienast, Ignaz Active: 1886-1920
Kienast, Ludwig Active: 1921-24f
Kiermayer, Anna Active: 1808
Kiermayer, Bernhard Active: 1807-22
Kiermayer, Johann Matthias Active: 1766-1807
Kiermayer, Joseph Active: 1775- nach 81- vor 92
Kieslitz, Emanuel Active: 1920-24f
Kieslitz, Emanuel Active: 1893-94
Kilian, Franz Active: 1895-96
Kilisky, Anna Active: 1822
Kilisky, Anton Active: 1782-1821
Killian, Cäcilia Active: 1849
Killian, Johann Active: 1844-48
Killian, Wilhelm Active: 1884-85
Kind, Karoline Active: 1879-83
Kinnesperger, Ludwig Active: 1847-51
Kinzel, Barbara Active: 1805-39
Kinzel, Thaddäus Active: 1789-1804
Kinzinger, Johann Active: um 1901
Kiraly, Moriz Active: 1899-1912
Kirchheim, Karl (Theodor) Active: 1860-79
Kirmayer, Ferdinand Active: 1910-24f
Kirmayer , Ferdinand Active: 1862-95
Kirmayer, Maximilan Active: 1901-1.10
Kirmayer, Theresia Active: 1897-1901
Kirsch, Ignaz Active: 1858-68
Kirsch, Karl Active: 1895-1914
Kirschbaum, David Bernhard Active: 1887-1914
Kirstorffer, Andreas Active: vor 1795
Kirzler, Joseph Active: 1780-1810
Kittner, Alexander Active: 1882-86
Kittner, Alexander Active: 1837-72
Kittner, Fanni Active: 1873-81
Klähr, Joseph Active: 1820-48
Klag, Friedrich Christian Active: 1919-24f
Klag, Rudolf Active: 1917-22
Klama, Michael Active: 1815-22, 28
Klampferer, Anton Active: 1868-74
Klampferer, Josef Active: 1888-95
Klatowsky, Richard Active: 1905-19
Klauczeck, Juliana Active: 1878-84
Klauda, Josef Active: 1863-80
Klaus, Jakob Active: 1842-46
Klaus, Susanna Active: 1921-24f
Klavier, Leib (false Schmul) Active: 1907-09
Klawir, Scholin Active: 1912-24f
Klebel, Joseph Active: 1780- vor 92
Kleeberg, August Active: 1862-93
Kleeberg, Josephine Active: 1873-76
Kleemann, Anton Active: um 1904
Klein, Andreas Active: 1883-89
Klein, August Active: bis 1876
Klein, Carl Active: 1836-50
Klein, Carl Active: 1848-51
Klein, Carl Johann Active: 1862-63
Klein, Eduard Active: 1846-68
Klein, Emanuel Active: 1878-1914
Klein, Friedrich Active: 1857-60

Klein, Josef Active: 1914-24f
Klein, Joseph Active: vor 1837-37
Klein, Moritz Active: 1906-24
Klein, Moritz Active: 1910-64
Klein, Paul Active: 1921-67
Klein, Theodor Active: 1902-24f
Klein, Theodor Active: 1898-1902
Klein, Theodor Active: 1915-24f
Kleinberger, Simche Simon Active: 1907-24f
Kleinberger, Simon Active: 1895-1908
Kleindienst, Stefan Active: um 1905
Kleinlein, Johann Active: 1865-70
Kleinschmidt, Franziska Active: 1873-84, 92-99
Kleinschmidt, Johann Active: 1885-92
Kleinwächter, Anton Active: 1877-80
Kleinwächter, Karl Ludwig Active: 1887-88
Klemm, Joseph Active: um 1828
Klenner, Franz Active: um 1906
Klepner, Chana Nesche Active: 1917-24f
Klepner, Samuel Active: 1890-1915
Klepner, Wilhelm Active: 1884-1924f
Kleppig, Johann Active: 1894-1909
Kletzar, Carl Active: 1835-39
Klieber, Rudolph Active: 1851-59
Klier, August Franz Active: 1919-24f
Klier, Franz (Karl) Active: 1880-1919
Klima, Johann Active: 1812-48
Klima, Joseph Active: um 1824
Klimesch, Rudolf Active: 1920-24f
Klinger, Michael Active: 1835-49
Klinkosch, Arthur, Ritter von Active: 1884-99
Klinkosch, Barbara Active: 1815-19
Klinkosch, Betty von Active: 1914-18(-24f)
Klinkosch, Carl Active: 1821-60
Klinkosch, Isidor, Ritter von Active: 1884-1914
Klinkosch, Joseph Caspar Active: 1804-14
Klinkosch Joseph Karl
Active: 1843-86
was the son of the silversmith Carl Klinkosch and apprenticed at his father workshop. He became a certified silversmith in 1844 and took over his father business in 1851. In 1864, Klinkosch formed a partnership with Stephan Mayerhofer trading as Mayerhofer & Klinkosch. The firm participated to the Viennese World Exhibition of 1873 and the Parisian Exposition Universelle in 1878. In 1869/1870, Klinkosch ended his partnership with Mayerhofer and continued to run the company alone, renaming it J. C. Klinkosch. From 1855 Klinkosch held the Imperial Warrant to the Court of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria. Klinkosch retired in 1884 and the company passed to his two sons, Arthur and Isidor. In 1918, the company was acquired by Arthur Krupp and was incorporated under the name J.C. Klinkosch AG. The company was deleted from the Commercial Register in 1972.
Klinkosch Joseph Karl, Vienna Klinkosch Joseph Karl, Vienna Klinkosch Joseph Karl, Vienna
Klinkosch, Firma, J. C. Active: 1868-1924f
Klintz, Georg Friedrich Active: um 1880-84
Klintz, Josef Active: 1847-56, 68-85
Klitscher, Eduard Active: 1921-24f
Kloiber, Heinrich Active: 1909-30
Klosternitz, Franz Xaver Active: 1746- vor 95
Klosternitz, Jacob Active: vor 1822-22
Klug, Franz Active: 1825-52
Klug, Heinrich Active: 1844-65
Klug, Heinrich Active: 1910-14
Klug, Wenzel Active: 1851-66
Knapp, Alfred Active: 1920-24
Knauer, Christian Active: 1920-4.9.62
Knauer, Kaspar Active: 1835-60
Kneipp, Lorenz Active: 1873-76
Knillinger, Karl Active: 1905-10
Knoblich, Franz Active: 1916-24f
Knöpfler, Leopold Active: 1901-12
Knoll, Hermann Active: 1896-1920

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