(click on the photo to enlarge image)
Hieblinger, Andreas Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Hiess, Jacob Active: 1811- nach 15- vor 37 | . | . |
Hiess, Joseph Active: 1848-85 | . | . |
Hildebrand, Felix Active: 1908-18 | . | . |
Hildebrand, Fischel Felix Active: 1918-24f | . | . |
Hilferd, Friedrich Active: 1875-82 | . | . |
Hilgert, Anton Julius Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Hille, Andreas Active: 1860-? | . | . |
Hille, Andreas Active: 1872-98 | . | . |
Hillebrand, Leopold Active: 1909-24f | . | . |
Hillebrand & Co. Active: 1918-21 | . | . |
Hiller, Joseph Active: 1825-63 | . | . |
Hillinger, Jakob Sebastian Active: 1863-79 | . | . |
Hillinger, Johanna Active: 1880-1904 | . | . |
Hindl, Johann Active: um 1829 | . | . |
Hinek, Franz Active: 1907-24f | . | . |
Hinkelmann, Hugo Active: 1896-1901 | . | . |
Hinko, Andreas Active: 1861-72 | . | . |
Hirnschall, Anton Active: 1862-93 | . | . |
Hirnschall, Josef Active: 1901-14 | . | . |
Hirnschall, Karl Active: 1895-96 | . | . |
Hirsch, Adolf Active: 1883-93 | . | . |
Hirsch, Bernhard Active: 1860-62 | . | . |
Hirsch, Conrad Active: 1830-63 | . | . |
Hirsch, Eduard Active: 1845-46 | . | . |
Hirsch, Ferdinand Active: 1854-82 | . | . |
Hirsch, Friedrich Active: 1895-1924f | . | . |
Hirsch, Leonhard Active: 1860-62 | . | . |
Hirsch, Leopold Active: vor 1911- nach 22 | . | . |
Hirsch, Ludwig Active: 1896-1921 | . | . |
Hirsch, Ludwig Pius Active: 1889-1907 | . | . |
Hirsch, Wilhelm Adolf Active: 1860-98 | . | . |
Hirsch, Wolf Active: 1860-94 | . | . |
Hirschberger, Wilhelm Active: 1847-1900 | . | . |
Hirschegger, Joseph (Elias) Active: 1792-95 | . | . |
Hirschhorn, Pinkas Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Hirschleger, Josef Active: 1874-89 | . | . |
Hirschler, Arthur Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Hitner, Josef Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Hitzinger, Anna Active: 1808-16 | . | . |
Hitzinger, Augustin Active: 1804-07 | . | . |
Hlauschek, Peter Paul Active: 1911-24f | . | . |
Hlavacek, Franz Active: 1910-22 | . | . |
Hlawatsch, Friedrich Active: 1871-79 | . | . |
Hlawatsch, Karl Active: um 1901 | . | . |
Hlawenta, Josef Active: 1901-24f | . | . |
Hlawiczka, Johann Active: 1867-96 | . | . |
Hlawsa, Josef Active: 1921-24f | . | . |
Hnizdo, Josef Active: 1882-1924f | . | . |
Hoburka, Johann Active: 1886-93 | . | . |
Hochberger, Wenzel Active: 1891-94 | . | . |
Hochstein, A. M. Active: um 1912 | . | . |
Hochstimm, Leo Active: 1914-24 ? | . | . |
Hochwald, Alois Active: 1888-93 | . | . |
Hock, Daniel sen. Active: 1838-87 | . | . |
Hoder, Emanuel Active: 1868-75 | . | . |
Höbert, Lorenz Active: 1765-1801 | . | . |
Höck, Peter Active: 1806-1827 | . | . |
Höfer, L. & A. Active: 1874-76 | . | . |
Höfer, Leonhard Active: 1844-73 | . | . |
Höfert, Carl | . | . |
Höfert, Robert Active: 1878-1920 | . | . |
Höhnhold, Wilhelm Active: 1898-24f | . | . |
Hölzl, Johann Active: um 1899 | . | . |
Hoenig, Adolf Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Hönigbaum, Baruch Active: 1887-98 | . | . |
Hönschel, Franz Active: 1837-50 | . | . |
Hönschel, Thaddäus Active: 1823-53 | . | . |
Höß, Ferdinand Anton Active: 1848-50 | . | . |
Höttl, Joh. Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Höttl, Rudolf Active: 1896-1924f | . | . |
Hofbauer, Anna Active: 1805-18 | . | . |
Hofbauer, Heinrich Active: 1752-93 | . | . |
Hofbauer, Heinrich (Friedrich) Active: 1788-1804 | . | . |
Hofbauer, Matthias Active: 1837-47 | . | . |
Hofbauer, Theresia Active: 1848-49 | . | . |
Hofer, Ludwig Active: 1866-74 | . | . |
Hofer, Paul (Gottlob) Active: 1840-67 | . | . |
Hoffenreich, Johann Active: 1862-63 | . | . |
Hoffmann, Georg Active: 1881-93 | . | . |
Hoffmann, Ignaz Active: 1880-92 | . | . |
Hoffmann, Joseph Active: 1782-95 | . | . |
Hoffmann, Leopold Active: 1901-15 | . | . |
Hoffmann, Rudolf Active: 1859-62 | . | . |
Hoffmeister, Anna Active: 1801-14 | . | . |
Hoffmeister, Georg Active: 1785-92 | . | . |
Hoffmeister, Michael Active: 1816-27 | . | . |
Hoffstädter, Johann Active: 1896-1929 | . | . |
Hoffstätter, Josef Hilarius Augustin Active: 1862-97 | . | . |
Hoffstätter, Peter Josef Active: 1834-77 | . | . |
Hofhammer, Karl Active: 1890-1907 | . | . |
Hofhammer, Maria Active: 1908-24f | . | . |
Hofhans, Carl Active: 1893-24f | . | . |
Hofmann, Franz Active: 1896-98 | . | . |
Hofmann, Joseph Active: 1756- vor 1792 | . | . |
Hofmann, Meirim Active: 1905-24f | . | . |
Hofmann, Rudolf Active: 1859-62 | . | . |
Hofner, Rudolf Active: 1887-89 | . | . |
Hofstädter, Laurenz Active: 1903-19 | . | . |
Hohenberg, Emanuel Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Hokesch, Josef Active: 1874-76 | . | . |
Holländer, Josef Active: 1919-24f | . | . |
Hollaubeck, Rudolf Active: 1890-98 | . | . |
Hollaubek, Thomas Active: 1834-57 | . | . |
Hollauer, August Active: um 1848 | . | . |
Hollauer, Johann Active: 1790-1824 | . | . |
Hollauer von Hohenfelsen, Johann Active: 1812-13 | . | . |
Hollauer von Hohenfelsen, Joseph Active: 1813-50 | . | . |
Hollauer von Hohenfelsen, Josepha Active: 1850-55 | . | . |
Hollauer von Hohenfelsen, Michael Active: 1830-70 | . | . |
Hollbein, Gottfried Active: 1839-43 | . | . |
Hollbein, Joseph Active: 1810-46 | . | . |
Holm, Friedrich Active: 1819-29 | . | . |
Holm, Otto Active: 1850-52 | . | . |
Holub, Leopold Active: 1883-1901 | . | . |
Holzapfel, Samuel Active: 1914-24f | . | . |
Holzer, Franz Active: 1838-51 | . | . |
Holzer, Jakob Active: 1893-1924f | . | . |
Holzer, Karl Active: vor 1890- nach 1922 | . | . |
Hoppe, Johann Active: 1904-15 | . | . |
Hoppel, Franz Active: 1907-21 | . | . |
Hopt Joseph 1754-nach 92-vor 1801 | . | . |
Horatsch, Rudolf Active: 1917-24f | . | . |
Horatschek, Felix Active: 1906-24f | . | . |
Horner, Eduard Active: 1914-24f | . | . |
Hornig, Wilhelm Active: 1902-21 | . | . |
Hornschu, Friedrich August Active: 1864-71 | . | . |
Hornschuh, Aloisia Active: 1889-94 | . | . |
Hornschuh, August Active: 1874-89 | . | . |
Hornung, Anton Active: 1853-57 | . | . |
Hornung, Mathias Active: um 1820 ? | . | . |
Horowitz, Sigmund Active: 1876-81 | . | . |
Horrowitz, Moriz Active: 1845-49 | . | . |
Horvath, Alexander Active: 1854-85 | . | . |
Horwath, Wilhelm Active: 1920-24f | . | . |
Hoser, Johann Active: 1807-33 | . | . |
Hoser, Joseph Active: 1816-39 | . | . |
Hosp, Joseph Active: 1814-32 | . | . |
Hossfeld, Josef Active: 1901-05-1909? | . | . |
Houdek, Franz Active: 1886-1924f | . | . |
Hoyer, Carl Active: 1894-1924f | . | . |
Hradil, Josef Active: 1854-76 | . | . |
Hromek, Josef Active: 1899-1924f | . | . |
Hromek, Wenzel Active: 1869-1906 | . | . |
Huber, Bartholomäus Active: 1811-57 | . | . |
Huber, Carl Active: 1900-02 | . | . |
Huber, Johann Active: 1870-1909 | . | . |
Huber, Joseph Active: 1803-23 | . | . |
Huber, Joseph Active: 1848-1900 | . | . |
Huber, Joseph Active: 1790-1802 | . | . |
Huber, Josepha Active: 1802-04 | . | . |
Huber, Karl Active: 1913-20 | . | . |
Huber, Karl Active: 1913-24f | . | . |
Huber, Karl Active: 1844-49 | . | . |
Huber, Karl Ignaz Active: 1867-70 | . | . |
Huber, Martin Active: um 1829 | . | . |
Huberth, Albert Active: 1871-76 | . | . |
Hudler, Joseph Active: 1833-43 | . | . |
Hudler, Joseph Active: 1816-31 | . | . |
Hueber, Barbara Active: 1844-48 | . | . |
Hueber, Franz Anton Active: 1769-92 | . | . |
Hueber, Gregor Active: 1763- nach 92- vor 99 | . | . |
Hueber, Johann Active: 1823-43 | . | . |
Hueber, Johann Active: 1863-86 | . | . |
Hueber, Johann Baptist Active: 1837-71 | . | . |
Hueber, Johann Baptist Jakob Active: 1887-99 | . | . |
Hueber, Joseph M. Antoni Active: 1777-98 | . | . |
Hueber, Julius Active: 1898-1924f | . | . |
Hueber, Julius Active: 1878-88 | . | . |
Hueber, Karl Active: 1872-1902 | . | . |
Hueber, Ursula Active: 1761?-1790 | . | . |
Hübl (Hrübl), Ferdinand Active: 1920, 23 | . | . |
Hügel, Adam Active: 1842-63 | . | . |
Hügler, Heinrich Active: 1910-24f | . | . |
Hügler, Julius Active: 1888-1924f | . | . |
Hügler, Julius Jakob jun. Active: 1902-24f | . | . |
Hüterer, Otto Active: 1917-58/ 59 | . | . |
Hütter, Josefine Active: 1879-85 | . | . |
Hütter, Karl Active: vor 1862-63 | . | . |
Hütter, Karl Wilhelm Active: 1874-79 | . | . |
Hufnagel, Josef Active: 1881-83 | . | . |
Hulwa, Alois Active: 1893-1924f | . | . |
Hulwa, Josef Active: 1852-81 | . | . |
Hulwa, Therese Active: 1881-97 | . | . |
Hummel, Leopold Active: 1821-65 | . | . |
Hummer, Moritz Active: 1907-24f | . | . |
Huniata, Franz Active: 1879-81 | . | . |
Huschak, Wenzel Active: 1783- vor 92 | . | . |
Husnik, Josef Active: 1910-33, 35f | . | . |
Huss, Adolf Active: 1900-01 | . | . |
Huss, Adolf Active: 1909-16 | . | . |
Huth, Israel Active: 1890-1903 | . | . |
Huth, Israel Active: 1874-83 | . | . |
Hutter, Philipp Samuel Active: 1864-83 | . | . |
Hutter, Samuel Joseph Active: 1884-93 | . | . |
Hutterer, Georg Active: 1865-92 | . | . |
Hutterer, Ludwig Active: 1904-24f | . | . |
Hutterer, Rosine Active: 1892-1904 | . | . |
Hutzenreiter, Michel Active: 1788-1815 | . | . |
Hvezda, Rudolf Active: 1900-24f | . | . |
Hyner, Johann Active: 1875-83 | . | . |
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